THE Nintendo NX is set to battle the Xbox One and PS4 this generation with a tempting price point and an on-par power offering.
Nintendo NX: New console as powerful as Xbox One, new details set for January release
The Nintendo NX has been compared to the Xbox One in terms of power
That's according to new reports today that claim Nintendo's upcoming console will be looking to compete with other new-gen consoles on price and will boast the same level of performance as Microsoft's Xbox One.
More information is now expected to arrive in January, as Nintendo plan to showcase the new device behind closed doors at CES 2016.
Reports on the status of the new console have appeared mixed since it was first announced by Nintendo earlier in 2015.
A new patent filed by the company showcasing a new controller boasting a touchscreen panel that covers the whole front of the device appeared to yet another move away from their rivals.
The front-facing buttons would make way for context-aware touch, allowing for a whole new level of flexibility that would let users turn the controller and have visual effects.
However, other analysts have insisted they have heard nothing about any new dev kits being released, indicating that the Nintendo NX is still far from being released.
Nintendo NX: New console as powerful as Xbox One, new details set for January release
Nintendo have confirmed they will speak more about the NX in 2016
The Nintendo NX has also been rumoured to be functional as a gaming platform as well, allowing fans to access titles on a handheld device which would also have the capacity to run the company's new line of mobile entries.
Another source, meanwhile, reported that a demo was shown in 2015 that could only be run on an industry-leading computer, however, the chip specs themselves won't have been finalised.
This seems to contradict the latest source who spoke with Nintendo Enthusiast, who suggests that the NX will be of the same level as the Xbox One and had not been likened to any kind of hybrid platform design.
Instead the system would be competitively priced to remain an enticing prospect next to the PS4 and Xbox One, while third party companies have been invited to a showcase of the system set for January, 2016.
Nintendo NX: New console as powerful as Xbox One, new details set for January release
Little is still known about Nintendo's next console

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