THE commonly accused culprits of migraines might not actually be causing your headaches, health experts said today.

The cause of your migraine revealed - with seriously surprising results
A study has thrown up some surprising insights in to the causes of migraines

Doctors have found ‘dramatic differences’ in migraine triggers and that common 'culprits' may actually PROTECT you from the excruciating headache.
After tracking 150 migraine sufferers for three months, the team found common triggers - chocolate, cheese and coffee - actually did more to decrease the risk of migraines than they did to induce an attack.
Surprisingly, caffeine only caused a migraine in three people, but prevented 32 people from having one.
The cause of your migraine revealed - with seriously surprising results
Tyramine found in certain cheeses has been previously thought of as a migraine trigger
Chocolate trigged migraines in 10 participants, while it protected 14 people from the painful headache.
Cheese caused 13 migraines, but acted as a ‘protector’ in 14. Tyramine - found in some cheese - has long been thought of as a migraine-trigger.
The biggest cause of migraines - and the most bizarre - was onions. 14 people cited them as the cause of the condition, while just four said they reduced the risk of a migraine.
The cause of your migraine revealed - with seriously surprising results
Caffeine has also been considered a trigger of migraines
Dr Seymour Diamond, from the National Headache Foundation in the US said the results highlighted the dramatic differences between individual who suffer from migraines and ‘the deeply personal nature of their condition.'
He added: “The immune system, which may be a protector from migraine, is sometimes stimulated sufficiently by a trigger, such as chocolate, so that the trigger becomes a protector for some migraine patients.”
Migraine Unlocked estimate that one in seven people suffer from migraines in the UK. It is usually a severe headache felt as a throbbing pain at the front or side of the head.
The cause of your migraine revealed - with seriously surprising results
Around one in seven apparently suffer from migraines in the UK
Some people also have other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity to light and sound, according to the NHS.
Around half of people who experience migraines also have a close relative with the condition, suggesting that genes may also play a role.
Periods, stress and tiredness are other non-food factors that might play a role.
The NHS suggest that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular sleep, exercise, nutritious meals, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and staying hydrated may help to ease or ward off symptoms.

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