AS a study reveals nearly half of UK women have sleep problems, we reveal easy ways to help you nod off.

Top tips to sort out a good sleep
When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?
If you can’t remember you’re not alone. According to the latest research, nearly half of women in the UK are sleep deprived.
The study, commissioned by The Sleep Apnoea Trust, revealed that 46 per cent of women admitted to having trouble sleeping.
As well as leaving you feeling tired, sleep problems can have a detrimental effect on your health, mood and productivity.
It can slow down your metabolism and make you irritable and restless. While the ideal amount of sleep needed differs from person to person, most people need between seven and nine hours.
Yet there are many things that can take their toll on the quality of sleep, including stress and anxiety.
Secrets of a good night’s slumber
A hot beverage can help sooth a good night's sleep
“We are constantly stimulated by work, social lives and screens, which can make it hard to switch off,” says wellbeing expert Helena Grzesk, spa director of The Spa at The Midland, Manchester.
“The good news is that there are lots of things you can try, which will all help make a difference to your sleeping patterns.”
Here Helena shares her top tips on how to have a restful and fulfilling night’s slumber. 


“Lavender is a powerful essential oil that induces relaxation and sleep and is especially beneficial if you feel stressed,” says Helena.
Having a relaxing bath before bed can help you unwind and give you some well-deserved “me time”.
Put a few drops of L’Occitane Lavender Foaming Bath, £20 (uk. into the tub and soak in warm water for 20 minutes.
Spritz your bed linen with This Works Sleep Plus Pillow Spray, £25 (
This blend of aromatherapy oils contains lavender to help lull you to sleep. 


“As humans we are programmed to follow a routine,” says Helena.
“Yet as life demands more and more from us, sticking to a set bedtime can be tricky.”
However there are great benefits to trying to be consistent in the time you go to bed and the time that you wake up.
Secrets of a good night’s slumber
A good sleep can depend on routine
“Regular bedtimes will set your body clock and once it’s set you will see an immediate improvement in the quality of your sleep,” explains Helena.
The key is to plan ahead.
Make an effort to finish all your admin, dinner and chores by the same time each night so you can head to bed at a regular hour. 


“If you’re struggling to sleep you might be eating too late,” says Helena.
“Food stimulates your metabolism and gives your body a wake-up call that it doesn’t need before bedtime.”
For this reason it is best to eat as early as you can in the evening.
If you do find yourself eating late, avoid anything with a high sugar or fat content.
Instead choose foods that are rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which is known to promote restful sleep.
Turkey, lentils, seeds and nuts are all good sources. 


“Caffeine can stay in the body for up to 12 hours so avoid tea or coffee from midday onwards,” says Helena.
“Try a calming camomile tea or fresh mint tea instead.”
Secrets of a good night’s slumber
A relaxing bath can make a good night's sleep
Too much alcohol can also disrupt sleep. While it can make you fall asleep quickly the sleep you will have will be poor quality and disturbed.
For optimal sleep, drinking no more than one glass of wine and just two or three cups of tea or coffee a day is advisable. 


“The bright screens of electronic gadgets disrupt the body’s natural rhythm which reduces sleep quality,” says Helena.
“We are also subjecting our minds to a continual stream of information.”
You need to give your body the triggers it needs for sleep, such as darkness and calm.
To do this avoid watching TV and working on your laptop or phone within two hours of bedtime.
Try reading a book, filling in an adult colouring book or writing your thoughts in a journal to get them off your mind before sleep.
If digital gadgets can’t be avoided then make sure to turn down the brightness of the screen.

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