Fallout 4 v Witcher 3: Bethesda and CD Projekt RED rivalry benefits players
Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 have helped shape each other
CD Projekt RED have spoken more on the rivalry between themselves and Bethesda and how it has helped bring forward both Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3.

Jose Teixeira, senior technical artist at CD Projekt Red, has shed more light on the apparent battle between some of the industry's top developers when it comes to releasing the biggest RPG games of the year.
Teixeira revealed the sheer impact a release like Fallout 4 on PS4, Xbox One and PC has on a company like Projekt RED, who found themselves understaffed and inspired by what they saw.
Both games will be gunning for the coveted Game Of The Year top spot, having won equal praise from reviewers and fans alike.

And the story will be far from over next year, with the Witcher 3's final DLC expansion planned for 2016 and set to add a whopping 20 hours of gameplay to the Northern Realms.
Fallout 4 meanwhile witnessed an impressive launch in November, selling well in the same month as Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider were released.
Bethesda also planned to release their first DLC content for Fallout 4 next year, which could go head-to-head with Blood and Wine, with neither product having a solid release date as of this time.

Speaking to Gamereactor, Teixeira explained how the rivals have helped shape each other's work.
"There were a lot of 'colds' in the studio during the launch week for Fallout 4," he reveals.
"Bethesda makes absolutely great games, no doubt about that, and everything they do serves as inspiration for us, although we hope that the opposite is also true.
"Here in the studio we are all major gamers, and although each one has their preferences, almost everyone loves RPGs.
"I think this rivalry between the two studios ultimately benefits both the players, and the studios themselves, forcing us to always do better."

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