Mass Effect 4: BioWare talk importance of Andromeda teamwork and a galaxy without Shepard
Mass Effect 4 developers at BioWare have given an update on the Andromeda-building process
MASS Effect 4's latest build is "playing pretty damn good," according to BioWare who have been talking about the importance of teamwork while handling the Andromeda project.
The latest ME: 4 builds are being tested out by the likes of Senior Development Director Chris Wynn, who says fans should get ready to embrace a galaxy without Commander Shepard at the helm.
Mass Effect: Andromeda was revealed EA's E3 2015 press conference but isn't being released until holiday 2016, however fans can expect to learn more about the project this winter, with N7 Day in November appearing to be the most likely date for a further reveal.
Fans have already been told by Wynn that the combat included in Andromeda will feel liked a tuned up version of Mass Effect 3, while key elements from the earlier trilogy will be parts of the new game, including Races and Mako mining.
Mass Effect 4: BioWare talk importance of Andromeda teamwork and a galaxy without Shepard
ME: Andromeda is scheduled for release in 2016
But what about the levels themselves? Well Bioware’s level & tech designer Jos Hendriks has shared more details on how BioWare are looking to tackle the subject in Mass Effect 4, including what is important to build a successful mission.
Writing on Twitter, Hendriks explained: "The connective tissue of a mission or level is almost just as important as the "setpiece" moments and scenes. It needs to be convincing.
"That is also to say, I spent my day today poring over mission notes, and constructing a layout on a whiteboard to put it together.
Mass Effect 4: BioWare talk importance of Andromeda teamwork and a galaxy without Shepard
Mass Effect news this week includes preparing for life without Commander Shepard
"And now that layout is a picture in an email shared with all the people working on the mission, and we can use it as a point of reference.
"Because my artist needs to get a cool moment to really make something awesome, and the writing needs to be supported, and cinematics.
"And in the discussions today our embedded QA person had some really good ideas on how certain things fit together, and we're using that.
Hendriks also highlighted the importance of bouncing ideas off other people, adding: "You know how you make great things working with other people? Having everyone have a stake in the process.
"And you never know what you might not think about that someone else has given a great deal of consideration, and sits right next to you.
"Wait, what am I saying? I can't break the illusion that I just play games all day for a living. Ignore all those previous tweets, please."
Mass Effect: Andromeda is set for release in 2016 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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