‘How to Last Long on Bed?’,  ’How to last longer on bed naturally?’, ‘How to increase sex time?’ and  ‘How to increase sex period?’ are some of the most common questions people have. No we aren’t imagining these questions, people actually ask us these questions quite often on our blog.
While we are not entirely sure if people know how long on bed is actually good enough for good sex, it is quite possible that porn has influenced the preponderance of this worry.  But just to lay this fear to rest, not being able to last long on bed is not always premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
The demarcation is fairly simple — if you last long on bed for anything less than three minutes you should probably investigate the cause further.

That being said there are a few ways to help you last long on bed naturally.


Here are 11 things you should beware off, as they can kill your sex drive to last long on bed.
1) Eat more veggies and fruits to last long in bed: Studies have actually shown that men who are mostly vegetarian last long on bed than non-vegetarians. They have more stamina due to the nutrients they get from these fruits and veggies, especially potassium. 

a. Eating a banana just before sex could help improve your performance as it contains potassium. It also has a large amount of glucose that can help you last long on bed. Read more about health benefits of bananas.

b. Drinking amla or gooseberry juice everyday could help you last long on bed and also improve sperm quality as it contains iron and zinc.

c. Eat a handful of strawberries before intercourse. Its high zinc content and glucose concentration can help you last longer.

2) Avoid processed sugar to last long on bed: The ‘sugar slump’ that comes after a ‘sugar rush’ could reduce your stamina.

3) Cut down on smoking to last long on bed: It hardens your arteries and lessens blood flow to the penis.  According to men’s health Physician and Medical Sex Therapist Dr Vijayasarathi Ramanathan, ‘Smoking affects every system/organ of the body including sexual functioning. People need to understand that erection in men has a lot to do with a healthy heart, blood vessels. Smokers are twice as likely to get erectile dysfunction as non-smokers.’

4) Reduce alcohol intake to last long on bed: Alcohol has a bad effect on your senses and you are not ‘fully’ in the moment. So, exerting control is out of question, isn’t it?

5) Work on your arms and abdominal muscles to last long on bed: Most of the sexual positions require the man to be on his hands and feet. This means his core has to be very strong in order to last longer. So, working on biceps, triceps and abs at the gym or body-weight exercises at home can help. Exercise also improves blood flow in general including to the penis and this could also help. You may also like to read Revealed — men with bigger bellies last 5 minutes longer in bed than slim men.

6) Try Kegels or pelvic floor exercises to last long on bed: These exercises are mostly used for gaining better bladder control, but also help in maintaining erections for longer. Imagine you are urinating and then try to stop the flow. Repeat this – squeeze, hold, release cycle 10 times, trying to hold for 10 seconds per squeeze.

7) Try ‘edging’ to last long on bed: When you are almost there (during intercourse or masturbation), stop all sexual activity. Distract yourself for a bit. This way you can gain better control and extend sex time.

8) Try the squeeze technique to last long on bed: When you are almost about to orgasm, squeeze just below the head of the penis. This pushes the blood back from the penis giving you more time.

9) Focus more on foreplay and your woman to last long on bed: Sometimes, trying to get her to orgasm first with either your fingers or your mouth could help relieve your stress and help maintain your erection longer. You may also like to read a man’s step-by-step guide to pleasuring his woman.

10) Get enough sleep to last long on bed: According to a research conducted by researchers from University of Chicago, men who got less than five hours of sleep at night had lower levels of testosterone. It is important that you get 7-8 hours of sleep to boost your sexual performance.

11) Try yoga to last long on bed: Certain yoga asanas like the cobra pose (bhujangasana),paschimotasana can increase blood flow to the genital area and increase the time you last in bed. You may also like to read about these yoga poses that can help you last long on bed.

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