THE Zika virus, which is causing panic across the Americas, could be passed on through sex, findings suggest.

ZIKA SEX WARNING: Mosquito virus linked to baby brain damage may spread via intercourse
Two cases have been unearthered whereby Zika could have been spread sexually
The condition, which has been linked to birth defects and is rapidly spreading through Brazil, has been linked to intercourse twice in medical literature.
It has led to calls for urgent research into the virus.
The first known case occurred when scientists found high levels of the virus in the semen of a 44-year-old man from French Polynesia.
ZIKA SEX WARNING: Mosquito virus linked to baby brain damage may spread via intercourse
Workers fumigate the sambadrome to protect against the Zika virus ahead of carnival
While his blood and urine were clear, traces were found in his semen.
The second case happened in 2008 when Dr Brian D Foy, a disease expert at Colorado State University, came down with the virus after travelling to Senegal and collecting mosquitoes for a study. Both he and a colleague fell ill when he returned to the US.
In a strange twist, his wife also displayed Zika virus-like symptoms. Both Dr Foy, his wife and his colleague tested negative for malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever.
It was only after a fellow scientists recommended they get re-tested that they discovered it was in fact the Zika virus.
ZIKA SEX WARNING: Mosquito virus linked to baby brain damage may spread via intercourse
The WHO says more evidence needs to be proven before a link between sex and Zika can be made
Neither passed the disease to their kids or close family, so the couple believe it could have been sexually transmitted.
Health experts have said while the cases do not warrant a health warning, it should be investigated further.
The World Health Organisation says more evidence is needed to prove that sexual contact is a means of transmitting the virus.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the cases are a “theoretical risk” but there is insufficient evidence to issue public health warnings.
ZIKA SEX WARNING: Mosquito virus linked to baby brain damage may spread via intercourse
The virus has been linked to a birth defect called microcephaly
Only 20 per cent of those infected show symptoms of the short-lived virus.
Typically symptoms include low-grade fever, joint pain, a rash, conjunctivitis, headache, muscle and eye pain.
The virus itself is not thought to be dangerous to most people but it has been linked to pregnant women and the birth defect microcephaly.
Countries in the affected regions are warning women to postpone pregnancy until more is known about the previously rare virus.

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