EATING potatoes in pregnancy could lead to gestational diabetes in pregnant women, the latest research has claimed.

Potatoes could cause DIABETES, pregnant women told – here’s what to eat instead
Potatoes have been linked to gestational diabetes in a recent study
Those who eat two to four servings of potato at risk are thought to be around 27 per cent MORE likely to suffer diabetes in pregnancy - even after the researchers took in to account, age, family history, diet, and body mass index (BMI).
Even one serving a week appeared to increase the risk by 20 per cent compared with women eating less than one serving a week, once BMI was taken into account.
Worryingly, those eating more than five servings a week had a 50 per cent increased risk.
Women who regularly eat potatoes are at increased risk of suffering diabetes in pregnancy and are better placed to replace these starchy carbs - at least a couple of times a week - with other vegetables or lentils, the research suggests. 
When women substituted two servings a week with other vegetables, pulses such as beans, lentils and peas, and whole grain foods, the women lowered their risk by nine to 12 per cent lower risk.
Potatoes could cause DIABETES, pregnant women told – here’s what to eat instead
One serving a week appeared to increase the risk by 20 per cent compared with women eating less
Experts said higher potato consumption before pregnancy "was significantly associated with an increased risk" of the condition but found no specific link for eating fries alone.
The experts said: "Though potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre and some phytochemicals, unlike other vegetables they can have detrimental effects on glucose metabolism because they contain large amounts of rapidly absorbable starch."
They added high potato consumption had already been associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.
The authors stressed the study did not prove that potatoes caused diabetes.
The NHS estimates up to 18 per cent of women giving birth in England and Wales are affected by gestational diabetes.
It usually develops in the third trimester (after 28 weeks) and usually disappears after the baby is born.
Potatoes could cause DIABETES, pregnant women told – here’s what to eat instead
NHS estimates up to 18% of women in England and Wales are affected by gestational diabetes
However, women who develop the condition are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes later in life.
Gestational diabetes often does not cause any symptoms and women are screened in pregnancy. The condition can increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage and premature labour.
Emily Burns, research communications manager at Diabetes UK, said: "This study does not prove that eating potatoes before pregnancy will increase a woman's risk of developing gestational diabetes, but it does highlight a potential association between the two.
"What we do know is that women can significantly reduce their risk of developing gestational diabetes by managing their weight through eating a healthy, balanced diet and keeping active."
The study - published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) - followed more than 21, 693 pregnancies over a 10-year period.
Experts analysed total potato consumption, including baked, boiled, mashed and fried.
Potatoes could cause DIABETES, pregnant women told – here’s what to eat instead
The key thing to take out of this study is the importance of a balanced diet, say experts
One serving included one baked or boiled potato, 237ml of mashed potatoes or 113g of fries.
Of the pregnancies, 854 women were affected by gestational diabetes. 
The women in the study were asked about potato consumption in the previous year as part of a questionnaire, looking at how often they ate certain foods.
Janet Fyle, professional policy adviser at the Royal College of Midwives, said: "We cannot draw definitive conclusions from this research nor apply the findings to everyone.
"The key message from the research should be about varying the diet. Potatoes are a healthy food group. We need to tailor our messages to pregnant women so that they are able to have a well-balanced diet and not be put off eating them.
"We would encourage women who are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant to have a healthy, varied diet including fresh fruit and vegetables, alongside taking folic acid supplements."

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