A CURE for diabetes is within reach after scientists proved the debilitating condition can be stopped for six months.

Scientists can HALT diabetes: Scientists PROVE condition can be STOPPED in six months
Scientists believe that they could have found a jab-free solution to diabetes
Hundreds of thousands of sufferers have been given hope after world-first research showed implanting insulin-producing cells reversed the condition.
The breakthrough could signal the end of painful daily jabs for those with Type 1, the unpreventable autoimmune disease.
In “significant” tests experts were able to stop the body’s immune system attacking its own insulin production by using human cells implanted into mice.
Crucially, US researchers prevented the cells being rejected. They are now in a race against time to replicate the results in people whose lives are blighted by the condition
Scientists can HALT diabetes: Scientists PROVE condition can be STOPPED in six months
Currently insulin has to be injected to treat type 1 diabetes
Lead researcher Daniel Anderson, associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said: “We are excited by these results and are working hard to advance this technology to the clinic.”
The forward leap in understanding the treatable but as yet irreversible illness comes a year after experts discovered how to make huge quantities of insulin-producing cells.
That research was led by Harvard professor Doug Melton, who has searched for a cure since his son was diagnosed with Type 1 as a baby.
The human islet cells used in this latest experiment were generated from human stem cells developed by Professor Melton.
After they were implanted in mice, the cells immediately began producing insulin in response to blood glucose levels and were able to maintain blood glucose within a healthy range for 174 days - the length of the study.
Scientists can HALT diabetes: Scientists PROVE condition can be STOPPED in six months
The results have been promising in mice so far
In one test alginate, a material originally derived from brown algae, was used to prevent the body triggering an immune response which can lead to the build-up of scar tissue and cells being rendered useless.
Scientists created a library of almost 800 alginate derivatives and evaluated the immune response to each of them. 
This led them to focus on triazole-thiomorpholine dioxide (TMTD), which had a minimal immune response in mice and large animals.
The researchers then implanted human islet cells encapsulated in TMTD in mice, which provided the success for the study.
The findings are published in the journals Nature Medicine and Nature Biotechnology and were made possible with funding from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Scientists can HALT diabetes: Scientists PROVE condition can be STOPPED in six months
Rising levels of obesity has caused an increase in diabetes sufferers
Julia Greenstein, vice president of discovery research, said: “Encapsulation therapies have the potential to be ground-breaking for people with Type 1 diabetes.
“These treatments aim to effectively establish long-term insulin independence and eliminate the daily burden of managing the disease for months, possibly years, at a time without the need for immune suppression.
“JDRF is excited by these findings and we hope to see this research progress into human clinical trials and ultimately a potential new Type 1 diabetes therapy.”
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 is when sufferers cannot produce insulin.
Around 90 per cent have Type 2, which develops because diabetics do not produce enough insulin or the insulin they produce doesn’t work properly.
It is caused almost entirely by chronically unhealthy lifestyles and was once known as adult-onset diabetes but now affects commonly affects children.
Professor Alan Sinclair, director of Diabetes Frail, said: “These studies are incredibly exciting and may lead to large numbers of people, both young and old, being able to reduce their daily injectable insulin requirements and the need for intense blood sugar monitoring.
"As beta cell encapsulation delivery mechanisms improve combined with more selective immune suppression, I can see Type 1 diabetes becoming largely a curable metabolic condition.”
The NHS spends £10billion a year tackling diabetes, £8bn of which goes on treating complications associated with the condition.
There are now 4.05m sufferers of both types with a further 12m at increased risk of developing the Type 2 version.
It means 25 per cent of the population has, or is prone to, an illness that can lead to blindness, amputations, heart and kidney disease, stroke and death.
The dire statistics comes as specialists claim highly variable standards of care have placed sufferers at the mercy of a “postcode lottery”, with 24,000 dying early in Britain each year.
If successful, it could open exciting possibilities for people with Type 1 diabetes
Anna Morris, of Diabetes UK
Anna Morris, of Diabetes UK, said: “Transplanting insulin-producing islet cells into a person with Type 1 diabetes is a life-changing treatment for some, but transplant rejection is still a challenge. 
“This research highlights one potential way to hide the transplanted islet cells from the immune system, without the need for immunosuppressant drugs that can come with harmful side effects.
“If successful, it could open exciting possibilities for people with Type 1 diabetes.”
Jenny Hirst MBE, co-chairman of charity InDependent Diabetes Trust, said: “If this research can be translated into humans it would represent a significant breakthrough.”

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