NINTENDO news this week includes DeNA’s latest on Nintendo’s first mobile title, Super Mario Galaxy arrives on Wii U and Pokemon Go’s exploration details revealed.
Nintendo news: DeNA talk first Nintendo game, Mario Galaxy hits Wii U, Pokemon Go explored
Nintendo news this week includes Pokemon Go and Super Mario Galaxy on Wii U
DeNA have partnered up with Nintendo to bring some of the company's biggest IPs to the mobile audience.
Fans were left a little puzzled, however, when the first title announced looked more like a social app than a new game, Miitomo, which will not launch until closer to March 2016.
DeNA President Isao Moriyasu has spoken more on the subject since, revealing some key aspects on how Miitomo will function.
Moriyasu told the Wall Street Journal: “There’s that distinct Nintendo feel to the game that gives you a certain comfort and nostalgia. The user interface, feel and sound—it’s all very Nintendo.
Nintendo news: DeNA talk first Nintendo game, Mario Galaxy hits Wii U, Pokemon Go explored
Pokemon Go will have real-world exploration at its core
“Miitomo places more emphasis on entertainment. The process of discovering new aspects of your friends via Miis can be quite fun.
“One distinct aspect of Miitomo is how you can configure your Mii to have it look very similar to yourself. Communicating with friends who actually look like your friends in real life is a distinctly different feeling from text-based communication.
“We’re thinking of linking the game with users’ Facebook friend lists. I think it could be fun connecting with friends people don’t often communicate with.”
Other new details revealed about the service include how DeNA plan to monetize it through selling clothes users can buy for their Miis.
Nintendo news: DeNA talk first Nintendo game, Mario Galaxy hits Wii U, Pokemon Go explored
Miitomo launches in 2016
Super Mario Galaxy has launched on Wii U via the Virtual Console eShop, according to a new Nintendo site posting.
“This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES, Super NES and Game Boy Advance,” the official Nintendo product page reads.
“We hope you’ll enjoy the new features (including off-TV play) that have been added to this title.”
Pokemon Go developers Niantic have revealed more on how real-world exploration will play a key role in Pokemon Go.
Speaking to Venture Beat, company CEO John Hanke explained that the upcoming title is set to push people to visit their local area, much like the company’s other game Ingress already does.
“The places that you’ll interact with in the real world — historical sites, artwork, prominent or special local businesses, those will play a role in Pokemon Go just as they would for us. 
“That same mechanic of encouraging people to take a walk in the park and see some aspect of their city they haven’t seen before, to go explore a nook or cranny in a part of the city they haven’t been to before so they can get a new Pokémon, that will be at work. 
“Measuring how far people have walked and all of that will have specific payoffs for players in Pokemon Go.”

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