YOU REALLY don’t have to be a mastermind hacker to crack any of the award-winning clunkers on the Most Popular Passwords of 2015 list.

Did YOUR password make the Most Popular Passwords of 2015 list?
The Most Popular Passwords of 2015 reveal that secure passwords are far from the norm online

It turns out the Most Popular Passwords of 2015 could easily be mistaken for a list of the Worst Passwords of 2015.
Yes, it might be a staggering 26 years since Sir Tim Berners-Lee built the first website, but it appears we still have yet to master the art of online security.
Each year popular cross-platform password manager SplashData publishes a countdown of the 25 Most Popular Passwords of the past year.
The rundown is compiled from the millions of stolen passwords that are made public throughout the last year.

Did YOUR password make the Most Popular Passwords of 2015 list?
The return of the Star Wars saga appears to have influence people’s password choice

Did YOUR password make the Most Popular Passwords of 2015 list?
Princess, Solo and StarWars all made it into the top 25 most popular passwords of 2015

The news comes weeks after this viral YouTube clip revealed possibly the most frustrating WiFi password of all time.
SplashData sorted through some two million leaked passwords to put together the Most Popular Passwords of 2015.
The US firm also shows the popular password's position relative to its ranking last year.
The data from the last twelve months shows the popularity of sports, animals – fantasy and otherwise – and Star Wars when it comes to picking a password.
Here’s the complete list, courtesy of the team at Gizmodo:
  1. 123456 (Non-Mover)
  2. password (Non-Mover)
  3. 12345678 (Up 1)
  4. qwerty (Up 1)
  5. 12345 (Down 2)
  6. 123456789 (Non-Mover)
  7. football (Up 3)
  8. 1234 (Down 1)
  9. 1234567 (Up 2)
  10. baseball (Down 2)
  11. welcome (New Entry)
  12. 1234567890 (New Entry)
  13. abc123 (Up 1)
  14. 111111 (Up 1)
  15. 1qaz2wsx (New Entry)
  16. dragon (Down 7)
  17. master (Up 2)
  18. monkey (Down 6)
  19. letmein (Down 6)
  20. login (New Entry)
  21. princess (New Entry)
  22. qwertyuiop (New Entry)
  23. solo (New Entry)
  24. passw0rd (New Entry)
  25. starwars (New Entry)
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was clearly playing on people’s minds while they were racking their brains for a new username and password combo.
"Princess", "starwars" and "solo" all made cameo appearances in the top 25 list.

Elsewhere, sport-themed passwords continue to be popular – but not quite as popular as simply dragging your finger across the numerical keys along the top of your keyboard.
If you have spotted your password amongst the SplashData list above – change it.
Always create a unique password for every one of your online accounts.
For example, take the first letter of each word in your favourite song lyric, phrase or poem – and use those letters, which appear like a random jumble, as your password.
A password manager is another way to generate and securely store unique passwords with letters, symbols and numbers.
But even these aren't always secure.

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