Does SUGAR really give you WRINKLES? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your FACE
Does sugar really give you wrinkles? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your face
WE KNOW that chocolate and wine aren’t great for our insides, but these guilty pleasures may be wreaking havoc with your outsides too.

Stay out of the sun, drink plenty of water, apply a good face cream every night.
In the day and age that prizes an ‘ageless’ appearance, we’re bombarded with tips and tricks to help freeze the clock.

But it could all be for nothing if you’re not eating properly, according to the experts.
Unfortunately, what you may have already heard is true - a poor diet can cause wrinkles, a dull complexion and spots.
Does SUGAR really give you WRINKLES? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your FACE
In the age that prizes an 'ageless' appearance, we're bombarded with beauty advice
How exactly does this occur?
Toxins found in sugar, gluten and alcohol can all cause gut-inflammation, which in turn affects the skin.
Christine Bailey, Nutritional Therapist on behalf of The Harley Medical Group said: “We all long to have clear, glowing and vibrant skin.
"Great skin radiates health and vitality, boosts our self-confidence and often reflects a healthy body within.
Does SUGAR really give you WRINKLES? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your FACE
Thankfully, there are products which can help combat the impact of a poor diet
“For many the impact of blemishes, blackheads, and scars runs more than skin deep. Contrary to popular belief, skin problems are not due to poor hygiene but results from a number of underlying imbalances within the body."
Of course, we all struggle to maintain a ‘perfect’ diet and indulge in a Digestive or a glass of red from time-to-time.
Thankfully, there are products that help to combat the most common side effects of sugar, diary, gluten and wine. 
Does SUGAR really give you WRINKLES? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your FACE
Toxins found in bad foods can cause gut-inflammation, which in turn affects the skin
Does SUGAR really give you WRINKLES? Experts reveal what your diet is doing to your FACE
A poor diet can cause wrinkles, a dull complexion and spots
But, as with many health ailments, prevention is the best cure.
Christine advises a holistic approach for best results. 
She said: “By targeting these triggers with specific treatments, nutrition and lifestyle changes you can improve the appearance of your skin long term.” 

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