Are YOU susceptible to Islamic State propaganda? New service can SPOT potential extremists
Using artificial intelligence, the London tech start-up can identify those at risk of radicalisation
A BRITISH technology start-up has unveiled a new platform that identifies people at risk of radicalisation, based on their Internet browsing history.
British start-up has spent the last year designing and fine-tuning an algorithm that detects ISIS propaganda at scale, in real time.
And now the impressive online content filtering tool believes its platform can identify those at risk of radicalisation based solely on their Internet history.
Unlike traditional Internet monitoring tools which rely either on lists of bad websites or simple decision rules to flag undesirable content, uses advances in artificial intelligence to infer intent, the London firm claims.
"This is crucial in the fight against terrorism, as jihadi content is often fast changing and ambiguous in nature," has confirmed.
The London technology company believes its real-time internet monitoring will benefit governments and companies across the globe with an interest in identifying people at risk of radicalisation.
It also believes the system could help schools and universities identify students most likely to join so-called Islamic State, and help play a critical part in maintaining the transport and energy infrastructure identify Islamic State sympathisers amongst their staff.
The London start-up will report any users' IP address when it detects suspicious browsing history. This will allow companies, universities and schools to prioritise their efforts and take meaningful steps to prevent terrorist activity on the premises.

Are YOU susceptible to Islamic State propaganda? New service can SPOT potential extremists
British start-up analyses web history and more to pin-point those at risk on the network, which launched earlier on Tuesday, spent one year creating its algorithm. The UK firm can analyse vast amounts of data in seconds.
“Islamic State has used the Internet to great effect to spread its word," said company founder, Stefan Hunt. 
"This creates challenges as well as opportunities to leverage this data to identify users most at risk of radicalisation." is a British start-up headquartered in London, UK. It is privately owned and independently operated.
The news comes after Islamic State, also referred to as ISIS or Daesh, released a smartphone app which allows jihadists to watch beheading videos and speeches from terrorist leaders as the group increases its online and social media grip even further.
Are YOU susceptible to Islamic State propaganda? New service can SPOT potential extremists
Daesh fighters waving their infamous jet-black flag
Islamic State is known for its sick execution videos – each filmed and edited with high production values.
The extremist group also uses social media and apps to radicalise people around the globe top join its cause.
Earlier this month, the group released a chilling video showing their vision of the end of the world as they make more suggestions they are plotting to assassinate the Pope.
The video named "Meeting at Dabiq", shows shows jihadi tanks advancing on an apocalyptic Rome. 
The title references the location where extremist prophecy says the end of the world will occur following a final battle between "believers" and "crusaders."
The sinister video, set to chilling music, shows Rome turned to a desert of dust.
It features heavily-armoured terrorists approaching the Colosseum and the Vatican City, before the narrator apparently claims ISIS will take over Rome, destroying crucifixes and taking Christian women as slaves. 
It is the latest threat made by ISIS against the West, following a series of new videos released by the terrorist organisation's propaganda machine. 
Another recent film showed a convoy of armoured cars, jihadis using heavy weaponry and a series of 60 flags - including the Union Jack - representing countries ISIS are determined to destroy. 

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