Daily dose of ‘sunshine’ vitamin could CURE erectile dysfunction, say experts
A daily dose of the 'sunshine' vitamin could help cure erectile dysfunction, say experts
RESEARCH found men with a vitamin D deficiency were 32 per cent more likely to suffer from impotence.

Whether it’s openly discussed or not, erectile dysfunction weighs upon many men.
According to experts, impotence affects a whopping 40 per cent of men over 40 and 70 per cent of those over 70.

From gels to pumps to natural remedies, different treatments seem to pop up constantly.
And the latest to join the ranks is vitamin D.

Researchers claim a daily dose of of the ’sunshine’ vitamin could prevent men suffering the torture of erectile dysfunction.
What’s more, the experts believe a deficiency in the vitamin could even fuel impotence.
The study from John Hopkins University found a deficiency was present in 35 per cent of men with erectile dysfunction.
Those men lacking in the sunshine vitamin were 32 per cent more likely to be plagued by impotence than men with adequate vitamin D levels.
Daily dose of ‘sunshine’ vitamin could CURE erectile dysfunction, say experts
Researchers believe a deficiency in vitamin D could even fuel impotence
Cardiologist and associate professor of medicine at John Hopkins University, Dr Erin Michos, said: “Vitamin D deficiency is easy to screen for and simple to correct with lifestyle changes that include exercise, dietary changes, vitamin supplementation and modest sunlight exposure. 
“Checking vitamin D levels may turn out to be a useful tool to gauge ED risk.
“The most relevant clinical question then becomes whether correcting the deficiency could reduce risk and help restore erectile dysfunction.”
A vitamin D deficiency is defined as blood levels below 20 ng/ml and there are various supplements available. 

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