Do YOU know which vital health checks could save your life?
An alarming number of Brits are skipping vital screening programmes and self checks
AN ALARMING number of Brits are skipping vital screening programmes and self checks.
Recent research revealed an astonishing number of women don’t check their breasts regularly for signs of cancer, despite the amount of awareness around the disease. 
Alarmingly, these aren’t the only health checks Brits are missing. 
A separate report from Health & Social Care Information Centre revealed that the rates of of women going for routine cervical smears had dropped for the third consecutive year. 
Experts are warning both men and women are ‘playing Russian roulette’ with their health.
Do YOU know which vital health checks could save your life?
Recent research found an astonishing number of women don't check their breasts regularly
General Practitioner at St Joseph’s Hospital Dr Nick Travaglia says the tests are hugely important. 
Speaking to Mirror Online, he said: “Screening tests like mammograms, smear tests and those for bowel cancer are intended to detect the very early stages of health problems that could in turn become deadly. 
“They allow successful treatment for conditions that become much more difficult to treat at a later stage.” 
HIV tests and mole checks are also commonly neglected important screenings. 
Do YOU know which vital health checks could save your life?
Experts warn men and women are playing 'Russian roulette' with their health
The reluctance for health checks is often down to what is required of the patient. 
Dr Nick said: “They often involve doing things that are uncomfortable or potentially embarrassing and outside a person’s normal experience.
“However, the thought is worse than the actual experience.
“It’s a small sacrifice to make for the chance to avoid or treat serious problems early.” 

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