Pokemon Go: Nintendo's ambitious mobile title gives update on big changes and expansion
Pokemon Go could lead to big changes for Nintendo
POKEMON Go is Nintendo's FIRST major mobile title and is not part of the five set to come from the partnership with DeNA.
The games giant's move to work with Niantic to create a new augmented reality mobile title on the Android and iOS platforms has impressed industry experts who see the move as the first in many to take the company forward.
Game industry consultants Kanten Games, who specialise in mobile gaming in Japan, have backed Pokemon Go as a signal that Nintendo are now prepared to use their impressive wealth of IPs to try and change strategy.
Pokemon Go has also been confirmed as being outside of the five titles Nintendo are looking to develop with mobile gaming partner, DeNA.
A statement on the recent Pokemon announcement covered by Kanten explains: "It shows that Nintendo is further opening up and trying to change. Given how slow the company has been moving in recent years, this is quite significant.
Pokemon Go: Nintendo's ambitious mobile title gives update on big changes and expansion
Pokemon Go has proved a popular idea with fans
"Pokemon GO is a strong, “real” indicator and message, especially because it’s the first Nintendo app on smart devices. They are not experimenting. It’s not a mini game, a companion app or a demo – but a full, even ambitious mobile title.
"It is quite interesting to see that Nintendo now uses Pokemon for its first own big game on mobile – especially in the light of how many investors and analysts speculated in the past that Nintendo will keep their top IP in particular on consoles – to avoid cannibalization effects, for example.
"The move indicates they are not planning to, and it increases the likelihood of more top IPs to follow on mobile – and I am very sure this will be the case in the next months."
Pokemon Go: Nintendo's ambitious mobile title gives update on big changes and expansion
Pokemon Go Plus is a separate device
Nintendo were recently dropped from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands 2015 list, which is based on their influence, reach and performance.
It was topped by Apple and Google and will mark the first time since the list was started back in 2001 that Nintendo have failed to make a mark.
Interbrand explained their decision, citing the fact that the company had been too slow in their take up of mobile gaming.
"Interbrand Japan CEO Yuki Wada said Nintendo was snubbed apparently because the Kyoto-based game-maker is not keeping up with changes in people’s lives, pointing to its failure to jump on the smartphone game bandwagon in a timely manner," The Japan Times reports.
Fans of the Pokemon games series have already started making their plans for when Pokemon Go is released in 2016.

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