SALIVA might indicate mortality risk and a picture of your overall health, reveal British scientists.
Your SPIT could predict when you will die
Scientists have discovered that saliva could indicate how long we might live for
Low levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin (sIgA) essential for combating infectious disease in your saliva could indicate a greater mortality risk.
A lower secretion of sIgA was negatively associated with all-cause mortality.
Worryingly, further analysis revealed an underlying association with cancer, especially non-lung cancers.
Your SPIT could predict when you will die
Antibody levels in the saliva could indicate mortality risk
A saliva sample was taken from 639 participants all aged 63. 
Scientists then examined their sIgA antibody secretion and mortality rate over the next 19 years and took in to account other factors, such as occupation, smoking and medication usage.
Because saliva sampling is less invasive than blood sampling, the researchers believe this type of testing could be key in health check-ups in the future.
Your SPIT could predict when you will die
A lower secretion of sIgA was negatively associated with all-cause mortality
Low level concentrations of the antibodies could be a useful early indicator of disease.
The scientists have yet to establish the “protective level” or the exact secretion of sIgA needed to indicate a cause for concern. 
Lead author Dr. Anna Phillips from the University of Birmingham said: "There are a number of factors that can affect how well we produce antibodies and maintain their levels. 
“There are some that we have no control over, such as age, heritability or illness, but our general state of health can also affect their levels; stress, diet, exercise, alcohol and smoking can all influence those levels.

Your SPIT could predict when you will die
The researchers suggest this could be common practice for future health check ups

“Quite how saliva samples could be used in check-ups remains to be seen, as we need to better understand what secretion rate would be considered cause for concern - what we call the protective level. 
“We could certainly say that, if found to be extremely low, it would be a useful early indicator of risk.”
The research was published in the journal PLOS One.

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