The secret to living longer: get more friends!
Friendships are the key to a happier older life
IT'S true what they say about money not being able to buy happiness. The secret to a happier, healthier later life is all about having good friends, says major new study.
Although there are strong links between health, financial security and social connections in determining whether we enjoy our older age, research has shown that it IS possible to enjoy a happy and fulfilled life later, despite having some health and money problems.
As well as having good friends, trying new activities and going out are also important for happiness, according to the findings by the Centre for Ageing Better.
And, contrary to popular belief, a happy retirement isn’t all about flash cars and expensive holidays, either. The report found most people have modest expectations, only wanting enough for the essentials and a buffer to cope with the unexpected.

The secret to living longer: get more friends!
The study identified six groups of older people

The analysis identified six groups based on their happiness with later life. 
The Thriving Boomers group make up 21 per cent of people aged 50 and over and are financially secure. They have sufficient savings, are broadly in good health, have strong social connections and feel fortunate for the advantages that they have had. They give themselves a 9/10 for happiness.
The Downbeat Boomers group also make up 21 per cent people aged 50 and over. They are in the best financial position and are in reasonable health, but report mid-levels of happiness, tending to reflect on missed opportunities or things they could’ve done differently.

The secret to living longer: get more friends!
The report suggested more action needs to be taken

Making up 19 per cent of people aged 50 and over, are the Can Do and Connected - typically the oldest of the six groups. Many have long-standing health conditions, lack disposable income and have been through significant life changes, such as losing a partner. Despite this, they have strong levels of wellbeing. This has roots in their strong social networks and positive outlook on life. 
Typically aged 70 or over, the Worried and Disconnected make up 13 per cent of the over 50 population. Their health is average and, with weak social connections, they are socially isolated, often feeling uncomfortable asking others for support. 
The secret to living longer: get more friends!
Socialising boosts happiness scores
The Squeezed Middle Aged make up 14 per cent of people over 50 and score lowest on all wellbeing measures. Most are in poor health and have experienced health problems throughout their life, meaning financial insecurity in later life. They also have bad social connections and are most at risk of missing out on a good later life.
The Can Do and Connected demonstrate how important social connections are in later life because, despite having worse than average health and stressful life events, they have higher levels of happiness.
The report also found that millions of people in their 50s risk facing severe difficulties as they get older, unless preventative action is taken today. 

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