Laser therapy, injections and creams: The best ways to make your stretch marks fade away
There are many different creams that claim to help prevent the appearance of stretch marks
EACH week our experts Dr Aamer Khan an dLesley Reynolds bring you the latest beauty news and anti?ageing advice.
We have lots of inquiries in the clinic about how to get rid of stretch marks. An estimated 90 per cent of women in the UK suffer from this common skin complaint and it can be very difficult to treat.
To make matters worse a new study published in the British Journal Of Dermatology has suggested that many of the creams sold to treat stretch marks don’t work and are a waste of money.
Stretch marks are scars that appear when the skin’s collagen and elastin fibres are stretched causing tiny tears in the dermis. Rapid weight gain during pregnancy is a primary cause but hormonal changes, yo-yo dieting, obesity and overdoing weight training can also play a part.
They usually start as angry red or purple lines that fade to silvery white and are most often seen on the tummy or hips. There are treatments available but it’s important not to expect miracles as most stretch marks won’t disappear completely. 
There are many different creams and lotions that claim to help prevent or diminish the appearance of stretch marks. They often contain ingredients such as olive oil or cocoa butter but we’ve never seen any evidence that these help to prevent the marks developing. One topical treatment that can lessen the appearance of early stretch marks is retinoic cream, often known as Retin-A.
It works by helping to rebuild collagen, smoothing out the stretch marks. One study showed it reduced the length of stretch marks by around 14 per cent and the width by around eight per cent after six months of treatment. It is available on prescription so speak to your doctor or dermatologist. 

Laser therapy, injections and creams: The best ways to make your stretch marks fade away
Laser treatment can be an effective way to treat early and older stretch marks

Silicone has been used to help heal and fade scarring but new research has shown that it can also help with stretch marks. The study revealed that applying a sheet of silicone to new stretch marks over six weeks helped to reduce their appearance.
Silicone works by covering the mark in a thin invisible film that protects the top layer of skin, sealing in moisture and boosting collagen production. Try Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Cream, £24.99 (
Laser treatment can be an effective way to treat early and older stretch marks by resurfacing the skin. But most treatments require multiple sessions a month apart making it time-consuming and expensive.
Sublative Stretch Mark Treatment is a salon procedure that targets the surface of the skin. Results develop over a two-month period as collagen forms. You will need three to five treatments, from £200 per session. For more information call 0845 521 0698.

Laser therapy, injections and creams: The best ways to make your stretch marks fade away
Carboxy therapy involves injecting tiny quantities of medical grade carbon dioxide below the skin

Our preferred method for tackling stretch marks is to use combination therapy. This three-stage procedure starts with tiny sutures to stitch up the stretch mark followed by PRP therapy to rejuvenate the skin and micro-needling to boost collagen production.
Initial results are seen within a couple of weeks and continue to improve over the next few months. The procedure costs from £2,800. For more information call 020 7436 4441. 
Best for fading newer marks, carboxy therapy involves injecting tiny quantities of medical grade carbon dioxide below the skin’s surface. This triggers a healing response, boosting collagen production.
A course of four to six sessions, each costing £100, is recommended. For more information call 020 7938 2195 or visit l For advice on cosmetic surgery consult your GP. For more tips see
Laser therapy, injections and creams: The best ways to make your stretch marks fade away

Top tips for smooth skin

1. Maintain a steady weight and avoid yo-yo dieting. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamins A and C, zinc and omegas 3, 6 and 9 to boost skin elasticity.
2. If you need to lose weight do it slowly and exercise regularly to boost circulation. Avoid over-training and heavy weight-lifting which can stretch and tear the skin.
3. A self-tan will instantly improve skin tone. Use a cotton bud dipped in bronzer or a darker shade of mineral powder to disguise white marks. Try Sheer Cover Studio Perfect Shade Mineral Foundation, £24.95 (
4. A good foundation and concealer can work miracles, particularly on older white and silver stretch marks on the face and upper body. Make sure you find the correct shade to blend in with your skin tone. Try Exuviance Coverblend Multi-Function Concealer, £25.95 ( which gives excellent coverage.

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