Someone created a virtual reality app that puts YOU inside the World Trade Center on 9/11
The app is named at the time of the first attack in New York City, back in September 2001

A NEW virtual reality experience attempts to reveal a terrifying insight into the 9/11 terror attacks, for those closet to the disaster.

A new virtual reality experience – dubbed [08:46] – puts you in the World Trade Centre's North Tower on the morning of September 11th 2001.
Players are dropped into the shoes of an office worker in the skyscraper.
After a brief interactive tutorial which walks players through the controls used in the virtual reality experience, the plane hits the North Tower.
The creators of [08:46] describe the virtual reality app as a "narrative-driven experience" for Oculus Rift.

"You embody an office worker in the North Tower of the World Trade Centre during the 9/11 events, emphasising the victims’ point of view," the creators claim.
Available through the developer's own website as well as the Oculus Share app repository, [08:46] holds an average rating of around 3.3/5.
The [08:46] developers add: "Based on countless hours of research in order to try to properly recreate the atmosphere and dynamics within the top floors of the towers, [08:46] was designed and developed as a school project during three months by a six members team, working in close collaboration with two actors for mocap and voice acting."

Someone created a virtual reality app that puts YOU inside the World Trade Center on 9/11
The virtual reality experience places you inside the North Tower as an office worker

Someone created a virtual reality app that puts YOU inside the World Trade Center on 9/11
The creators of [08:46] describe the virtual reality app as a "narrative-driven experience"

Someone created a virtual reality app that puts YOU inside the World Trade Center on 9/11
[08:46] puts you in the World Trade Centre's North Tower on the morning of September 11th

The virtual reality experience could prove disturbing and upsetting for many players, especially if you were personally affected by the traumatic events of September 11 attacks.
[08:46] gets its name from the time of the first terror attack in New York city.
At 8:46am, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower – one World Trade Centre – flown by five hijackers.
Then, at 9:03am, another five hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower and some 30 minutes later a third hijacked plane hit the Pentagon.

Someone created a virtual reality app that puts YOU inside the World Trade Center on 9/11
The terrorist attacks in New York City and the Pentagon killed 2,996 people

The South Tower collapsed at 9:59am, some 56 minutes after the initial impact.
The North Tower collapsed at 10:28am. A total of 2,996 people, including the 19 hijackers, were killed during the terror attacks.
[08:46] is not the first work of fiction to put people on-the-ground during the attacks.

Paul Greengrass' 2006 film United 93 captures the events inside the aeroplane which led to the crash of the titular jet.
Another film – World Trade Center – directed by Oliver Stone was released the same year and follows two Port Authority police officers trapped under the rubble of the World Trade Centre.
But watching a film is a very different experience to looking around in virtual reality and living through the terrorist attack from within the tower. has not tested the app first hand, but recommends any Oculus Rift owners proceed with caution.

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