REVEALED: How much is your VAGINA costing you?
The alarming figures show ladies' private parts cost almost £1000 per year
LET'S NOT beat around the bush: owning a vagina doesn't come cheap
There's no denying the tampon tax doesn't make a table-friendly topic of conversation.
A heated debate on the matter is in full swing, in all of its sanitary glory. 
But hygiene products aren't the only female-friendly cost putting pressure on women's pockets.
Buddy Loans have looked into the real expense of having a vagina, and to put it simply - the results aren't pretty.

REVEALED: How much is your VAGINA costing you?
The tampon tax debate is in full swing

Between birth control pills, new underwear, PMS relief and pubic hair removal, women are shelling out a pretty penny for their nether regions.
Other women-exclusive expenses include thrush treatment, anti-itch cream and specialist appointments.  
The guarantor loans company has released a film to reveal their finance-threatening findings. 
The alarming figures show that ladies' private parts cost almost £1000 per year. 
REVEALED: How much is your VAGINA costing you?
Hygiene products aren't the only female-friendly cost putting pressure on women's pocktes
In a lifetime, the average woman will spend almost £20,000 dealing with menstruation. 
Of this, an estimated £922 will sink straight into the taxman's pocket. 
Also amongst the jaw-dropping revelations is £8 per month on new underwear and £25 for waxing at 9 times per year. 
As it stands, the UK currently applies a 5% reduced rate of VAT to the supply of sanitary products, which is the lowest rate possible under current EU VAT law. 

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