'Here’s your fucking breast cancer awareness' Woman shows red raw scars from radiation
A woman undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer took candid pictures
A WOMAN has gone viral after posting a very graphic picture of herself undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer.
The shocking picture is deliberately shocking and shows the truth behind the curtains of hospital. 
Jenn Alter shared the pictures on her Tumblr blog after undergoing 35 days of radiation treatment to try and rid her of breast cancer. 
Writing on her blog alongside the images, she said: "Here’s your f***ing breast cancer awareness.
"This was during my 35 day radiation treatment back in 2013. 

'Here’s your fucking breast cancer awareness' Woman shows red raw scars from radiation
Jenn Alter posted the picture to her Tumblr account

"Breast cancer isn’t sexy. It’s not about saving the boobies. It’s not about no bra day, which is really just an excuse for women to post sexy pics of their nipples pressing through their clothes. It’s scars, nausea, pain, bald heads, burnt skin, and broken hearts."
She added: "If this doesn’t make you 'aware' then I don’t know what will. 
"Does it make you uncomfortable? It should."
Jenn's chest shows the effect of radiation therapy on the skin and body, with her breast coming up in a red raw rash - almost like a burn. 
'Here’s your fucking breast cancer awareness' Woman shows red raw scars from radiation
The affects of radiation therapy are powerful and moving

'Here’s your fucking breast cancer awareness' Woman shows red raw scars from radiation
Jenn speaks of her boyfriend in the blog, and is pictured with him here
Her post was emotion-filled and it would seem her Tumblr followers appreciated her complete and utter honesty. 
One replied to the pictures, saying: "I just wanted to say I'm glad you shared your experience. I've never seen that side of cancer before and it sounds horrible. 
"I'm so glad you won your fight with breast cancer and that you're with us today to share your story."
They added: "I hope you continue to spread awareness because it needs to be heard from survivors like you. I hope there's a cure one day I really do."

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