Ten things you must do in Cádiz
Unroll your beach towel at La Caleta
FROM sandy beaches to historical buildings and vibrant local bars, Cádiz is worth to discover.
1. Unroll your beach towel at La Caleta. 
2. Visit Cádiz cathedral, with its gleaming gold dome (cadizturismo.com).
3. See the underground church, the Oratorio de la Santa Cueva. The upper chapel has three paintingsby Goya. 
4. Stroll through Parque Genoves, which is full of plants and trees brought back by explorers (cadizturismo.com).
5. Grab a tableat Freiduria las Flores to try the restaurant’s mixed fried fish, an Andalucian speciality.
Ten things you must do in Cádiz
See glorious relics of the city’s past at the Museum of Cádiz
6. Visit the forts, including the 17th-century Castillo de Santa Catalina.
7. Enjoy a 360-degree view of the city using the camera obscura in the Tavira tower, a former official watchtower (torretavira.com).
8. Yacimiento Arqueologico Gadir explores Cádiz’s history from Phoenician times (turismo.cadiz.es).
9. Marvel at the fresh fish at the Mercado Central (turismo.cadiz.es).
10. See glorious relics of the city’s past at the Museum of Cádiz (museosdeandalucia.es).

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