INFANT colic is one of the most distressing yet common conditions a baby can suffer with - but there is an answer to the problem.
Does your baby appear to be in PAIN with a bloated tummy? It could be THIS condition
Infant colic is a condition many babies suffer with after birth
Infant colic remedies are some of the most sought-after tricks of parenthood. When your baby's got colic, it can be a nightmare. 
Do you know the symptoms of infant colic, and how it can be sorted once recognised as an issue? spoke to a qualified Midwife and Independent Health Visitor - Penny Lazell - about the condition. 
What is infant colic? Penny reveals all... 
PL: Colic is the general name given a range of infant digestive disorders rather than a single condition. It includes several types of digestive problems including reflux, infant gut irritability, lactose intolerance caused by lactase deficiency and allergies.
Each type of colic has different symptoms and needs to be managed and treated in different ways. Identifying the underlying cause is often difficult as each problem does not appear as an isolated incidence leading to a blurred and confusing picture. Infant colic usually manifests in a baby who has episodes of excessive frequent crying and is otherwise healthy. It tends to begin in the first few months of life and may last until 4-6 months of age.
Does your baby appear to be in PAIN with a bloated tummy? It could be THIS condition
Babies often cry for hours if they're suffering with colic
What are your top tips for parents to help them soothe symptoms in their baby? 
  • Try not to worry as it’s a temporary condition. Transient lactase deficiency occurs in babies usually in the first few months of life when they may not have produced enough lactase enzyme to break down the lactose in the milk.
  • Giving smaller frequent feeds can reduce the amount of lactose a baby takes each time
  • Babies with transient lactase deficiency can be hard work. Call on friends and relatives to help you care for your baby and give you a break
  • Try feeding your baby in different positions for instance, the rugby ball hold for breastfed babies or sitting more upright if formula fed. This often helps slow down the feed.
  • Once you’ve finished feeding, try holding your baby in an upright position as this can help reduce discomfort.
  • Where stomach cramps are causing distress, introduce gentle massage techniques to relieve pain and discomfort.
  • Try skin to skin contact as this can have a calming effect on you and baby.
  • Warm baths may also help relieve discomfort.
  • Carry your baby in a baby sling or sitting them in an upright position after feeds may also help digestion.
  • Use lactase drops to help with the breakdown of milk lactose. If you’re concerned, then do seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Does your baby appear to be in PAIN with a bloated tummy? It could be THIS condition
This baby doesn't look like a happy bunny

How do you know if your child is suffering with it? 
PL: Colic is the most common and sometimes the most distressing condition suffered by babies. Earliest signs are that a baby appears to be excessively windy with explosive stools. The baby is obviously uncomfortable, often seems in pain and the stomach may appear distended with gurgling noises heard in the abdomen. The baby may arch their back and bring their knees up towards the stomach to try to relieve pain. Often the baby may cry inconsolably for several hours often in the late afternoon or evening. Babies will low level colic may also show signs of being restless and uncomfortable but not actually crying. Most babies will improve naturally within 3 months and 9/10 will have improved by 6 months.
What treatment is available? 
PL: Once you have identified the cause, treatment can be started however this may take a while to establish. Often eliminating lactose from the mother’s diet if breastfeeding or giving specialist formula milk can resolve the symptoms. However it is often hard for mothers to change their diet and can be expensive. Specialist formulas may not be tolerated and are often more expensive than regular formulas and harder to get hold of. Introducing a lactase enzyme drop with the feeds can be a simple solution to resolve the problem without having to change diet method of feeding or formula.
Does your baby appear to be in PAIN with a bloated tummy? It could be THIS condition
Hiccups are common in babies - that's not colic
Is it just the hiccups? 
PL: Hiccups are common in babies due to an immature diaphragm and nervous system. Babies tolerate hiccups well, but unlike colic they do not usually cause excessive crying or discomfort. 
How do kids develop problems digesting lactose?
PL: Babies are born with immature digestive systems and in the case of babies with lactase deficiency they lack the ability to produce enough lactase enzyme to breakdown the lactose in the milk. This lactase enzyme breaks down sugars in the milk making them easier to digest. It takes approximately 2 hours for the milk to move out of the stomach through the large intestine to the small intestine. The undigested milk then starts to ferment in the large intestine causing the abdomen to distend and swell leading to the signs of discomfort in the baby.
Why do some babies have trouble producing the enzyme lactase?
PL: There is often a family history of lactose intolerance or someone in the family dislikes milk. They may not know they are lactose intolerant but recognise that having dairy products may make them windy, gurgle or uncomfortable and therefore choose to avoid milk. Premature babies often experience a lactase deficiency due to their digestive systems being immature. The lack of lactase enzyme is usually only transient and as the baby matures lactase enzyme is produced.
Care Co-Lactase Infant Drops (10ml), RRP £9.99 for 60 feeds, are available from Asda stores or online at

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