AN INFANT fed with a formula based on almond milk developed a RARE case of infant scurvy.

BABY fed ALMOND milk develops SCURVY
A baby (not pictured) has developed scurvy after being fed almond milk for nine months§
Almond milk - the beverage all the rage with the health-conscious - has led to a rare 18th century disease, according to new report by scientists at University Hospital La Fe in Valencia, Spain.
The scientists warned parents not to replace breast milk or infant formula with the plant-based milk, after a case study revealed X-rays of an immobile infant in Spain.
The X-rays showed evidence of fractures in his legs, back and thinning bones. 
The researchers determined to find out why the infant - 11 months - had such weak bones and immobility discovered he'd developed a rare case of scurvy after being fed a diet of formula mainly composed of almond milk for nine months.
BABY fed ALMOND milk develops SCURVY
The baby was left with fragile bones and nutrient deficiencies
The team explained the infant was initially fed milk formula but demonstrated an allergy at just two months. He was then given almond-milk based formula upon a doctor’s recommendation. 
Reportedly, the boy’s mum was not aware that the almond milk was supposed be supplemented with pureed fruit and vegetables.
Scurvy is a rare condition - once prevalent amongst sailors in the 18th century - characterised by a deficiency in vitamin C. The almond-milk formula was deficient in the vitamin and contributed to the fragility of the infant’s bones.
Infants require vitamins A, C and D in their diet. By around six months of age, breast or formula milk alone will no longer be sufficient to meet a baby’s nutritional needs and the process of weaning onto solid foods should begin, advises the British Nutrition Foundation.
BABY fed ALMOND milk develops SCURVY
Scurvy - an 18th century disease - is caused by a vitamin C deficiency
Laboratory results also showed abnormal levels of zinc, absorbed acid, vitamin D and hyroid-stimulating hormone.
The study’s authors said: “Clinical, laboratory and radiologic findings along with the nutritional history were suggestive of infantile scurvy, failure to thrive, and vitamin D insufficiency.
"When plant-based beverages are the exclusive diet in the first year of life and not consumed as a supplement to formula or breastfeeding, it can result in severe nutritional problems. 
"This case demonstrates that scurvy is a new and severe complication of improper use of almond drinks in the first year of life. Pediatricians and parents should be aware that plant-based beverages are not a complete food and they may not replace breastfeeding or infant formula.
BABY fed ALMOND milk develops SCURVY
The child was able to walk after doctors changed his diet
“Manufacturers should indicate that these beverages are inappropriate for infants who consume a vitamin C–deficient diet.”
Once the doctors realised what was wrong they began treating the baby with 300mg of vitamin C and D every day for three months. He was fed with infant formula and a diet of meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
Over the following three months his general condition, the pain in the legs, and the radiologic features improved. Vitamin C level returned to normal levels and the child started walking.
The study was published in the journal Pediatrics.

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