EXCLUSIVE: Coffee could banish your risk of developing THIS potentially fatal disease
Type 2 diabetes could be staved off by drinking coffee
DRINKING coffee every day could be a life saver for people who are at risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

Hearing you've got diabetes is never an easy conversation to have with a doctor, but a simple dietary habit could stave off the disease for longer.
Type 2 diabetes can lead to health conditions that reduce life expectancy - serious complications can develop in Type 2 sufferers, and it can be fatal if left untreated.

NewsNewsBlog.blogspot.com spoke exclusively to Professor Wasim Hanif who is a Professor of Diabetes & Endocrinology - and a Consultant Physician, Clinical Director - in diabetes at University Hospital Birmingham.
Also the spokesperson for the British Coffee Association, Professor Wasim explained how a cup of the brown stuff could save your life.
How does coffee affect your body? 
PW: “Coffee is one of the most heavily researched products in the world today and over 70 million cups of coffee are consumed in the UK alone. Coffee contains caffeine which is a mild stimulant which acts on the central nervous system and some other organs of the body.

EXCLUSIVE: Coffee could banish your risk of developing THIS potentially fatal disease
Type 2 diabetes is potentially fatal if not treated properly

"It is readily absorbed into the bloodstream and does not accumulate in the body, being rapidly metabolised and excreted. The stimulant effects of a small amount (say one cup of coffee) take effect after 15 – 45 minutes and last normally for about four hours. 
"As well as helping us feel more alert, the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence suggests that moderate coffee consumption (4-5 cups of coffee per day, 400mg of caffeine), can contribute to a healthy, balanced diet and may confer other health benefits.”
And what is the link between coffee and diabetes? 
PW: “One of the first things most of us do on waking in the morning is reach for a coffee to get us started. What many do not appreciate is that as well as boosting our alertness and concentration coffee can also help protect against Type 2 diabetes. 
"Published research has concluded that long-term coffee consumption is associated with a statistically significantly lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. One study found that consuming three or more cups of coffee per day lowered the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 37%.”

EXCLUSIVE: Coffee could banish your risk of developing THIS potentially fatal disease
Those who suffer from diabetes know the pain it is to live with

Explain a bit more about how it might prevent diabetes
PW: “While the mechanisms behind this are not clear at present, there are a number of potential physiological processes that may lead to the reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, such as caffeine’s effect on glucose metabolism and effect on insulin sensitivity. 
"Research into the relationship between coffee drinking and the development of Type 2 diabetes continues and many studies have been published that add considerable knowledge to this area of research.” 
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes? 
The main symptoms of diabetes which you should look out for include:
  • urinating more frequently than usual, particularly at night
  • feeling very thirsty
  • feeling very tired
  • unexpected weight loss
  • itching around the penis or vagina, or frequent episodes of thrush
  • cuts or wounds that heal slowly
  • blurred vision (caused by the lens of the eye becoming dry)
EXCLUSIVE: Coffee could banish your risk of developing THIS potentially fatal disease
Coffee could be the miracle cure for those with the disease
"Although most patient with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms, if you have family history of diabetes, are overweight or belong to BME communities or over 40 years in age than you should discuss with your GP about having a simple blood test that diagnosis diabetes."
What other health benefits does coffee/caffeine hold? 
PW: “Coffee can have plenty of other health benefits including improving alertness, concentration, performance, hydration levels and heart health. Coffee has also been shown to decrease the risk of certain cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. So you can continue to enjoy your coffee safe in the knowledge you may also be benefitting your health.”
If you’re confused about caffeine and want more information about the health benefits of coffee visit the British Coffee Association website (www.britishcoffeeassociation.org)

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