Top to toe- The top 10 health conditions men SHOULD be aware of
Here are the health conditions no man can afford to ignore once he gets past 40
WITH today marking the start of Movember – men’s health month – our writer highlights the top 10 areas to keep in check.
It turns out it’s not a myth that your average man takes better care of his car than his health. In fact, the National Pharmacy Association says men visit their GP about four times a year compared to six times for women. Here are the health conditions no man can afford to ignore once he gets past 40.
Top to toe- The top 10 health conditions men SHOULD be aware of
In 2014, 12½ per cent of men in the UK were diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Therapist Rhona Clews ( says, “It’s much more taboo for men to talk about their feelings than it is for women, especially among the older generation.
Traditional ideas of masculinity connect to holding feelings in and resolving situations on their own.” If your mental health is on shaky ground, talk to your GP, open up to friends and family or make an appointment with a therapist. 
What to look out for:
If you are isolating yourself from friends and family, and saying no to things you usually enjoy, this is a warning sign of mental health problems. Learn to talk about your problems.
Men are almost three times more likely than women to get oesophageal cancer, with more than eight out of 10 cases diagnosed in people aged 60 or over. Most can be linked to lifestyle and environmental factors.
If left untreated acid reflux – often called heartburn – can damage cells of the oesophagus leading to a condition called Barrett’s oesophagus, which can be a precursor of oesophageal cancer. Other factors are smoking, drinking, low fruit intake, obesity and smoking. Losing weight can help stop indigestion and should reduce the risk of developing cancer later. 
What to look out for:
Difficulty swallowing and persistent heartburn. Unexplained weight loss, chest pain, pressure or burning and coughing or hoarseness. 
In 2010, 75 per cent of coronary heart disease deaths and 56 per cent of stroke deaths under the age of 75 were male. “If you work 24/7 and you’re unfit and overweight, you’re a prime candidate for stress-related heart issues as your arteries are likely to be clogged,” says holistic stress practitioner Jo Tocher at Your Healthy Heart ( Meditation and massage lower blood pressure, while drinking plenty of water makes the blood less thick. Regular moderate exercise (raising the heart rate for at least 30 minutes five days a week) is essential.
What to look out for:
Get blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly. Also, request Pulse Wave screening that measures the flexibility of your arteries and pressure on your heart. 
Figures from Public Health England show men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with liver disease as women, with alcohol and obesity to blame. NHS consultant and weight-loss surgeon Dr Sally Norton says, “Fatty liver disease is more common in people who carry most of their fat around their middle rather than their bottom and thighs. Fatty liver can, in some cases, proceed to cirrhosis, which is a risk factor for liver cancer.”
What to look out for:
Symptoms of liver cancer include weight loss, pain in the upper right abdomen, jaundice, abdominal swelling, nausea and chalky stools.
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among men in the UK, accounting for 23 per cent of all male cancer deaths. By far the biggest cause is smoking. The length of time you have been a smoker is important, while air pollution and exposure to some chemicals also increase lung cancer risk, but by far less.
Flavonoids in fresh fruit and veg may help to reduce lung cancer risk. Some research has found that taking seven aspirins a week might reduce lung cancer risk in men, but check with your doctor first.
What to look out for:
A cough that does not go away, as well as hoarseness, chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing, shortness of breath, weight loss, feeling weak and loss of appetite – plus coughing up blood. 
Top to toe- The top 10 health conditions men SHOULD be aware of
Men are about 30 per cent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than women. 
This may be due, at least in part, to higher tobacco use in men, which raises pancreatic cancer risk. Factors that increase your risk are having a BMI over 30, a diet high in animal fats, processed meat and red meat, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, chemical exposure and being diabetic.
What to look out for:
Symptoms are abdominal pain, jaundice, weight loss, bowel problems, nausea, indigestion and a high temperature. Many of these are also symptoms of other illnesses, making it difficult to detect. 
The most common cancer among men in the UK, more than 110 males are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day. It mainly affects men over 50, and you are more likely to get prostate cancer if there is a history of it or of breast cancer in your family, particularly if diagnosed under the age of 60. No one knows how to prevent prostate cancer, but as it usually progresses very slowly, you can live for decades without symptoms or needing treatment. 
What to look out for:
Most men with early prostate cancer don’t have any symptoms until the cancer has grown large enough to cause problems, such as a need to urinate more frequently. Others may experience pain in the back, hips or pelvis, plus unexplained weight loss, pain in the testicles and loss of appetite.
Alhough the Achilles is the largest, strongest tendon in the body, withstanding more than 12 times your weight, it’s notoriously vulnerable to running injuries, such as Achilles tendinitis. Men account for about 80 per cent of Achilles tendon ruptures. 
To prevent tendonitis keep the surrounding musculature flexible, strengthening the calf muscles with toe-raise exercises. Walking for a few minutes before you run can help fend off an Achilles attack. 
What to look out for:
Telltale signs of Achilles tendonitis – which precedes a rupture – include pain that occurs when you push off or rise up on your toes, as well as stiffness, redness and swelling. 
According to one study in 2011, only 24 per cent of men in England consumed the recommended five or more portions of fruit and veg daily, while 80 per cent exceeded the recommended maximum salt consumption. “To make sure you eat a basically healthy diet, follow the 80:20 rule,” says Rachel McGuinness (
“Eat healthy proteins, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds and a few healthy carbs 80 per cent of the time and allow yourself less healthy stuff 20 per cent of the time. This way you’re more likely to stick to it.” 
What to look out for:
Signs of bad nutrition are constipation, heartburn, tiredness, skin problems, poor memory and poor oral health. 
It is estimated that men account for 56 per cent of those diagnosed with diabetes and men over 50 are nearly twice as likely to have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes than their female counterparts. “According to Harvard Public Health, men increase their risk of type 2 diabetes by 21 per cent if they skip breakfast,” says nutritional adviser Rachel McGuinness.
“What’s more, men need to gain less weight than women to increase their risk of diabetes.” 
What to look out for:
“If your waist circumference is more than half your height – or exceeds 37in – you increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes,” says McGuinness.

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