Top 10 facts about men
Today is National Mens Day
TODAY is International Men’s Day focusing on men’s and boys’ health. It is celebrated in over 70 countries.
1. Worldwide, the average life expectancy for a man is 68 while for a woman it is 73.
2. Around the world, 107 baby boys are born for every 100 baby girls…
3. …but because women tend to live longer than men, in the total world population there are only about 101 men for every 100 women. 
Top 10 facts about men
An average man will spend almost six months of his life shaving
Top 10 facts about men
The average male foot in Britain measures 10.5 inches
4. An average man will spend almost six months of his life shaving.
5. The average male foot in Britain measures 10.5 inches. The average female foot is 9.5 inches long.
6. “Men always want to be a woman’s first love – women like to be a man’s last romance.” (Oscar Wilde)
7. In Old English “man” was simply a word for a human being, regardless of sex. The word for a male human was “were”, as in “werewolf”, a man-wolf.
Top 10 facts about men
Sixty-five per cent of men in the UK use Facebook compared with 79 per cent of women
8. The average British adult male is 5ft 9in tall and weighs 13st 2lb (83.6kg); the average British female is 5ft 3in and weighs 11st (70.2kg).
9. Sixty-five per cent of men in the UK use Facebook compared with 79 per cent of women.
10. November 19 every year is not only International Men’s Day but also World Toilet Day. This is probably just a coincidence.

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