Suffering with a mouth ulcer? It could be the sign of COELIAC or Crohn's disease
Mouth ulcers could be a sign of Crohn's Disease
IF YOU suffer with mouth ulcers frequently it could be a sign of something far more serious.
Mouth ulcers are unpleasant and annoying at the best of times, but have you ever considered why you're suffering with them? 
Tiredness and weight loss could be the reason for mouth ulcers - or it could be something more serious altogether. 
Coeliac disease is a digestive condition where a person has an adverse reaction to gluten - and mouth ulcers could be your body's way of telling you it's suffering. 
Professor Chris Hawkey, a gastroenterologist and chairman of gut and liver charity CORE, revealed this news. 

Suffering with a mouth ulcer? It could be the sign of COELIAC or Crohn's disease
Recurrently suffering with mouth ulcers could be a sign of something much more serious

Speaking to Mail Online said: "The antibodies released by the immune system in response to gluten damage the lining of the gut, so nutrients such as iron and folate are not absorbed properly. 
"These are needed for cell repair, including in the mouth."
The doctor suggested a blood test or 'biopsy of the gut' could be used by healthcare professionals to diagnose the disease. 
Shockingly, recurrent mouth ulcers could also be a symptom of Crohn's disease. 
Crohn's is caused by inflammation in the lining of the gut, all the way from the mouth to the anus.  
Sufferers can experience a host of symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal pain and weight loss. 

Suffering with a mouth ulcer? It could be the sign of COELIAC or Crohn's disease
Coeliac disease is a digestive condition where a person has an adverse reaction to gluten

Professor Hawkey added: "Mouth ulcers caused by Crohn's tend to be more like swollen raised lumps."
Having said this, mouth ulcers are usually a more commonplace ailment attached to suffering with a cold sore. 
Consultant Dermatologist Doctor Penelope Tympanidis told they can pop up when your immune system is low. 
She explained: "Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once you come into contact with the virus, it will stay in your body all your life and can resurface in the form of a cold sore at any time. 
"Cold sores are generally first felt as tightness, tingling or itching around the mouth and nose area, then after 24-48 hours can develop into painful, burning or itchy blisters on, in and around the lips and nose. 
"During this first phase, you may also notice you have tender and swollen lymph nodes underneath your jaw, ulcers and bad breath, a sign your body is fighting the virus – this is often how we ascertain the severity of the infection."

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