'Mad terrorist violence' Pope condemns Paris attacks after 120 dead in night of horror
he Pope has condemned last night's Paris terror attacks
THE Pope has condemned last night's terror attacks in Paris – which killed at least 120 people – as "mad terrorist violence".
A spokesman for the Vatican called for a decisive response to counter the spread of "homicidal hatred".
He added: "We condemn [it] in the most radical way together with the Pope and all those who love peace."
The statement was released just hours after the French capital was rocked by shootings and bombings.
Several Catholic leaders also offered prayers for the victims – who have not yet been identified – on social media.
Bishop Kevin Farrell of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas tweeted: "Let us all pause for a moment to pray for the innocent hostages being held by terrorists in a theatre in Paris."
Eamon Martin, the Archbishop of Armagh in Northern Ireland, said: "Before going to sleep tonight think of your family and loved ones and #prayforparis.
And Bishop Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut added: "My prayers are with the people of Paris tonight. 
"Let us pray for the victims, the hostages, and their families. #PrayForParis."

'Mad terrorist violence' Pope condemns Paris attacks after 120 dead in night of horror
At least 120 people have been killed across the capital

A state of emergency has been declared in France after the the worst violence to hit France since the Second World War.
There were two suicide attacks and a bombing near the Stade de France stadium, shootings at restaurants and a massacre inside a popular music venue.
Eight attackers died – including seven in suicide bombings – but officials have warned terrorists could still on the run.
'Mad terrorist violence' Pope condemns Paris attacks after 120 dead in night of horror
France has re-imposed control checks after the attacks
Border control checks have been re-imposed after the attacks, which President Francois Hollande described as an "abomination".
Mr Hollande, who has cancelled his trip to the G-20 meeting in Turkey, said the country will be "merciless" against the attackers.
He said: "We will lead the fight. We will be merciless." 

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