FRANCE STANDS TOGETHER: Parisians defiant as world shows solidarity with shaken city
Paris stands together after a night of horror
PARIS is in mourning after the horrific attacks that swept across the city on Friday evening.
With at least 120 dead, a state of national emergency declared and many questions left unanswered as to who was behind the acts of terror, many would be unsurprised to hear the nation of France is on its knees.
However, not to be defeated by the evil jihadis looking to threaten everything the western world stands for, the brave people of Paris rose up in the face of adversity to offer refuge, aid and hope.

Paris citizens offer homes as refuges

Thoughtful Parisians sheltering inside their homes reached out to those left stranded on the streets desperately looking for safety. The hashtag #PorteOuverte, which translates to Door Open, has been trending across social media with those living and visiting the French capital standing together in unity.

FRANCE STANDS TOGETHER: Parisians defiant as world shows solidarity with shaken city
Taxi drivers in paris turned off their meters

Taxi drivers switch off meters and give free rides

As the streets of Paris descended into chaos, crowds scrambled around the avenues and alleyways searching for a way to get home.
Selfless taxi drivers switched off their meters in an attempt to help the worried pedestrians get back to their families and friends as quickly and safely as possible.

FRANCE STANDS TOGETHER: Parisians defiant as world shows solidarity with shaken city
Stade de France after the attacks

France fans sing in solidarity

In perhaps the most poignant moment during the unfolding horror, defiant French football fans, who had been cheering their national team on just moments before reports first emerged of the tragedies across their own city, came together to sing the national anthem.
The sound of La Marseillaise rang around the Stade de France as those inside the arena poured out onto the streets of the grieving metropolis.
FRANCE STANDS TOGETHER: Parisians defiant as world shows solidarity with shaken city
Golfer Benjamin Hebert wrote a message on his cap

Sporting heroes carry the message of hope

Shockwaves of the horror dispersed across the globe as France’s athletic superstars carried the banner of goodwill.
Far into the east, golfer Benjamin Hebert wore the words ‘Pray for Paris’ on his cap.
Other golfers in the tournament wore black ribbons to commemorate those that have died.
Meanwhile across the Atlantic NBA professional Alexis Ajinca repeated the message on his basketball shoes.

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