Do YOU know the signs of diabetes? Shock 1 percent of Britons KNOW how to spot the disease
There is an alarming lack of awareness of diabetes symptoms
JUST one per cent of UK adults is able to identify all the main signs of diabetes, despite one in 20 battling the disease, according to research.
A study says most people cannot list the six main signs of diabetes and only one in five would be able to spot a single symptom.
According to the NHS, 3.9 million people are diagnosed with diabetes each year while an estimated 590,000 are unaware they have the disease.
But the study found that more than 80 per cent of people would fail to spot weight loss as a sign of diabetes, despite this being one of the main symptoms.
We see many cases where diabetes has gone unspotted until it is too late
Claire Mooney

Do YOU know the signs of diabetes? Shock 1 percent of Britons KNOW how to spot the disease
The NHS say an estimated 590,000 are unaware they have the disease

In addition, one in three would wrongly identify weight gain as a symptom. Excessive thirst was the most recognised symptom, with around half of men and two thirds of women able to spot it.
Half of the men polled did not find any cause for alarm when visiting the bathroom more frequently than normal.
But female respondents were aware this might be a problem, and showed higher awareness of possible diabetes symptoms.
Undiagnosed and untreated, diabetes can lead to serious illness, amputation and even death.
Do YOU know the signs of diabetes? Shock 1 percent of Britons KNOW how to spot the disease
Those aged 18-24 were least likely to accurately identify the signs of diabetes
The study indicates that diabetes awareness is at its highest among the over-55s, where the risk of developing the condition is also often increased.
Those aged 18-24 were least likely to accurately identify the signs of diabetes. Blurred vision and poor healing of cuts and bruises were also widely missed.
Claire Mooney, from the law firm Stephensons, who commissioned the study as part of tomorrow’s World Diabetes Day, said: “We see many cases where diabetes has gone unspotted until it is too late.”
With ignorance also among some health professionals, she added: “It is clear more needs to be done to tackle the lack of awareness.”
  • Urinating more often than usual, particularly at night
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Feeling very tired
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Itching around the groin
  • Cuts or wounds that heal slowly
  • Blurred vision (caused by the lens of the eye becoming dry) 

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