10 things you never knew about ST ANDREW
Andrew is the patron saint of fisherman, fishmongers and rope-makers
Yesterday was the Feast Day of St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland.
1. Andrew is also the patron saint of Barbados, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Russia, Sicily, Ukraine, the city of Amalfi (Italy) and formerly of Prussia.
2. Andrew and his brother Simon Peter were both fishermen when called to serve Jesus, which is why he said he would make them "fishers of men".
3. Andrew is the patron saint of fishermen, fishmongers and rope-makers.
The city of St Andrews has no apostrophe in its name because it was founded long before possessive apostrophes were introduced into English       
4. Andrew is said to have been martyred at Patras in Greece on an X-shaped cross having said he was unworthy to have the same type of cross as Jesus.
5. Supposed relics of St Andrew are kept at the Basilica of St Andrew in Patras?
6. ?other places claiming to have his relics include Warsaw, Edinburgh and Amalfi in Italy.
10 things you never knew about ST ANDREW
St Andrew is said to have been martyred at Patras in Greece on an X-shaped cross
7. A monk at Patras called Regulus (or St Rule) is said to have had a dream in which he was told by an angel to hide some of Andrew's remains?
8. ...?in a later dream he was told to take some of the hidden bones "to the ends of the earth"?
9. ?...he took them to Scotland, landing at a place that became the city of St Andrews.
10. The city of St Andrews has no apostrophe in its name because it was founded long before possessive apostrophes were introduced into English.

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