Should I try Mickel therapy for help with my IBS? Dr Rosemary answers your medical queries
Talking can help deal with irritable bowel syndrome
Q: SHOULD I try Mickel therapy for help with my IBS?
A: MICKEL therapy is a talking-based treatment for a variety of conditions that could be triggered or made worse by stress.
These include chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and fibromyalgia as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The idea of the therapy is that you are taught to translate symptoms such as pain or bloating back into emotions and then take corrective actions that, in turn, will help stop the original symptoms occurring.
It is a rather niche treatment and I can’t find any really good studies confirming that it works.
That said, I can’t see that it will do any harm and there are a lot of people who have said they have found it helpful.
It isn’t available on the NHS so you will have to pay for the sessions.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) can also be very helpful for IBS sufferers and is available on the NHS so I would suggest you try this as an alternative.
Q: ON the end of my third toe I have a very sore corn. Corn plasters aren’t any use due to its position.
I have been using a liquid solution to no avail. Can you suggest anything else?
A: CORNS are areas of hard, thickened skin that develop in response to pressure.
They often occur on the feet, in particular on the soles and also on the toes, where there is a lack of natural cushioning.
Corns won’t get better unless you remove the cause of the pressure.
Corn plasters which have some cushioning can help a bit but the most important thing is to make sure that none of your shoes rub on the end of your third toe.
Removing some of the hard skin on the top of the corn will help.
You can do this yourself with a foot file but it would be better to see a chiropodist.
Depending on your age and whether you have any underlying health problems such as diabetes, this service may be available on the NHS.
So if you think you may qualify for free treatment visit your GP.
In response to the reader who asked for advice about their restless legs (July 7), I find that a glass of tonic water taken during the evening and sleeping with a pillow under my feet usually relieves the problem. Mrs B Hurst, Manchester

*If you have a health question for Dr Rosemary please write to her in confidence at The Northern & Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN or email health@
Dr Rosemary’s reply will appear in this column. She regrets that she cannot enter into personal correspondence and that, due to the volume of letters, she cannot reply to everyone.
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