Porn service took secret photos of its users, claim security experts
The porn app would secretly snap photos of its users, which it would then use for blackmail
A PORNOGRAPHIC Android app that secretly took photos of its users then held them to ransom, has been discovered by security experts.

The free porn app took sly photos of its users to use as blackmail.
The app – dubbed Adult Player – appeared to offer users access to pornography, but instead secretly snapped photos of people using the app with the device's front-facing camera.
Adult Player would then LOCK the device and demand payment of $500, around £330, before users could regain control.
Apps which extort money from users with the threat to release private information or wipe data from a device are collectively known as ransomware.
The terrifying apps are a lucrative are of cybercrime, one expert told the BBC.
Porn service took secret photos of its users, claim security experts
Adult Player installed on an Android smartphone
The Adult Player scam was discovered by researchers working for security firm, Zscaler.
The Android app was the second example of a piece of ransomware focused on pornography unearthed by the researchers.
Apps like this rely on the embarrassment factor. If you don't pay, your reputation is on the line
Raj Samani
Adult Player was never available to download via the Google Play store, which is vetted by Google.
However users could install the pornographic app directly from a webpage.
Once the software had taken photographs of its users and the ransom message was displayed – the ransomware prevented the devices' screen from locking.
Restarting the handset did not stop the message, the researchers have claimed.

Chief technology officer for Intel Security in Europe, Raj Samani told the BBC: "One of the reasons for the increase is that it's very easy to make.
"There are people you can pay to do the work for you, and it pays really well. One group we tracked made more than $75,000 in 10 weeks.
"Apps like this rely on the embarrassment factor. If you don't pay, your reputation is on the line.
"Ransomware is more prevalent on computers than phones, but this could be the start of a trend.
"You can stay safe with some basic common sense. Some ransomware threatens to delete your photos, videos and documents so back up your data.

"Then if you are targeted you can wipe your system and start over.
"Only download apps from the proper Google Play store. And if you receive an app download link in an email, don't click it."
Zscaler advises anyone who downloaded Adult Player to reboot their Android smartphone into Safe Mode.
This disables all third-party software, allowing Android users to safely delete any malicious applications.

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