Xbox One: Microsoft planning new raid on Xbox 360 titles through Backwards Compatibility
Microsoft have promised hundreds of titles from Xbox 360 will be available on Xbox One
MICROSOFT'S plans to launch Backwards Compatibility for Xbox One users in November could spark a new wave of deals.
This Autumn will see the tech giant roll out the feature to everyone on Xbox One with support for a collection of pre-approved Xbox 360 titles in digital and disc form.
There will be more than 100 Xbox 360 titles and hundreds more to follow, according to Microsoft.
Microsoft say the plan to continue to releasing Xbox 360 titles on a regular basis and build a substantial catalog over time, including supported Xbox 360 Games with Gold titles fans have been collecting.
Gamers will also be able to play against their Xbox 360 friends on Xbox Live using the new feature by inviting them to a party in the Xbox 360 menu, meaning Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers can play the same game at the same time, against each other.
A new development today, however could spell an expansion in what gamers can expect from the overall Backwards Compatibility program.
EA Access could also an assortment of titles added to it, including a range from the Xbox 360.
Having been asked on Twitter whether the paid-for service could see titles such as Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II added alongside Dragon Age: Inquisition, which was recently added as a free title, the official EA Access Twitter account shed new light on the situation.
"We're investigating adding backwards compatible EA games to EA Access in the future," EA responded.
"Stay tuned."
EA Access is a membership program that lets members play a catalog of Xbox One titles for a set price each month.
The collection currently holds more than 10 games in The Vault, while subscribers also get to play upcoming EA games before their release for a limited time, and get an exclusive 10% discount on all EA digital purchases on Xbox One,including full game purchases, pre-orders and expansion packs.

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