Think the truth about COKE was scary? Wait until you read about what DIET COKE does to you
The Renegade Pharmacist has looked into the affect of Diet Coke on your body
LAST week it was all about the problems with Coca-Cola and now it's Diet Coke too.
Former pharmacist Niraj Naik hit headlines last week when his study into Coca-Cola went viral online after outlining what allegedly happens to your body after drinking a can of Coke.

Now, the former UK pharmacist, has revealed what he believes happens to your body for an hour after drinking Diet Coke. 
Niraj goes under the pseudonym The Renegade Pharmacist online and said he carried out the experience this weekend after 'thousands' of requests online:
Think the truth about COKE was scary? Wait until you read about what DIET COKE does to you
The pharmacist claims it can, after long-term use, damage your heart
  First 10 Minutes – Tricks Your Taste Buds And Attacks Your Teeth
The Renegade Pharmacist claims: "The phosphoric acid attacks the enamel in your teeth, while the artificial sweeteners like aspartame hit your system. Aspartame may trigger taste receptors and trick your body into thinking it has just processed sugar."
Last week he revealed what he believes Coca-Cola does to your body - and it was scary. 
20 Minutes –  May Switch On Fat Storage Mode
He added: "Like regular Coke this can trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode."
40 Minutes – Can Cause Addiction
Niraj said: "The potentially deadly combination of caffeine and aspartame creates a short addictive high similar in the way cocaine works. Excitotoxins are released which may exhaust your brain by overstimulating it’s neuroreceptors, especially if consumed on a regular basis."
60 Minutes – Depletes Nutrients, Makes You Hungry & Thirsty For More
He said: "Unlike the small amount of satisfaction you get from regular coke your body may still crave sweets. This makes you likely to reach for another soda, or worse, some other junk food you consider to be safe and the cycle continues.
"A can of diet coke provides no nourishment and would replace a more nutritious drink you could have drunk while potentially depleting your body of essential minerals.
"It will never quench your thirst as it dehydrates rather than hydrates your body. A lack of vital water can lead to brain fog, poor concentration, fatigue and feeling irritable."
Think the truth about COKE was scary? Wait until you read about what DIET COKE does to you
This is the info graphic The Renegade Pharmacist put together over the weekend
Beneath the infographic he explained what the 'big problem' with zero calorie drinks is - outlining how it can affect bone density and even damage the heart. 
He said: "A can of diet cola contains 44-62mg of phosphoric acid, more than in many other soft drinks and researchers at Tufts University in Boston showed that women who regularly drank three or more cans a day had four per cent lower bone mineral density in their hips compared to those who preferred other soft drinks.
"Phosphoric acid has also been linked to lower bone density in some studies, including a discussion in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"In experiments at Harvard University, it was found to make skin and muscles wither and to damage the heart and kidneys over time."
Previously, when asked about The Renegade Pharmacist's Coca-Cola 'discovery', a representative for Coca-Cola said: "People have enjoyed drinking a Coca-Cola for more than 129 years. Like all soft drinks, it is perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle.  
"We provide a choice of colas to meet the needs of different consumers, including options that are lower sugar, sugar free and caffeine free." have reached out to Coca-Cola again about this Diet Coke story. 

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