Eat your way through the menopause
What you eat can play a huge role as you tackle the menopause
DID you know that you can quite literally eat your way through the menopause?
When researching other cultures, scientists have found that the menopause is not experienced in the same way by women all over the world.
In Japan for example women have one-sixth of the rate of breast cancer that we have in the West and the reason is their diet. Studies in the US have shown that when Japanese women adopt a Western diet they develop a breast cancer rate similar to ours.
So it is not a genetic factor particular to Japanese women but something in their diet that distinguishes them.
By maintaining a healthy diet of phytoestrogen-rich foods we can mirror what women in India and Japan have been doing for centuries and like them, enjoy strong bones, healthy hearts and minimal menopausal symptoms.
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances in food that have a hormonebalancing effect. Almost all fruit, vegetables and cereals contain phytoestrogens in varying strengths and compositions but it is the isoflavones that are the most beneficial kind.
An average Japanese woman's daily intake of isoflavones is between 20-80mg, women from the Indian subcontinent about 45mg, while American and British women generally consume between 1-3mg per day. As a guideline you should try to include 45mg of isoflavones per day in your diet.
A typical serving of tofu (55g) or soya milk (600ml) will contain approximately 35-40mg of isoflavones so you do not need a lot to achieve a good daily amount. Here are some of the foods you need to start including in your diet both before and during the menopause in order to reap the benefits.
A small portion of fish can supply us with almost half of our protein requirements for the day as well as providing good levels of B12 and iodine, which are essential for healthy functioning of the thyroid and metabolism
Soya beans are especially rich in phytoestrogens. They contain more protein than cow's milk without the saturated fat or cholesterol and are the only food considered to be a complete protein because they contain all eight amino acids.
Soya is also high in essential fatty acids and soya milk is naturally free from cholesterol. Yet beans take hours to cook so the next best forms of soya are soya milk, tofu, soya flour, soy sauce and miso. Avoid soya that says "isolate" on the label as it has been refined and not made from the whole beans.
These are highly beneficial because they contain not only omega-6 oils but also decent quantities of omega-3 oils.
Linseeds are rich in phytoestrogens but while soya contains isoflavones, linseeds contain lignans which are a different type. Lignans carry the same benefits as isoflavones but are also antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. A regular intake has been associated with lower incidence of cancer of the breast, ovaries, uterus, prostate and colon.
One tablespoon of linseeds is estimated to be the equivalent of one portion of soya. They are small so it is easy to mix them with other foods.
Stir into yogurt or drizzle linseed oil over salads, roasted vegetables or jacket potatoes.
This includes mackerel, tuna, sardines, herrings and salmon. A small portion of salmon (115g) can contain up to 3,600mg of omega-3 fatty acids, while a piece of cod of the same size will contain only 300mg.
A small portion of fish can supply us with almost half of our protein requirements for the day as well as providing good levels of B12 and iodine, which are essential for healthy functioning of the thyroid and metabolism.
Omega-3 fish oils have a positive effect on stiff, aching joints which are a common problem during menopause. There is a tendency for women to gain weight during the menopause because of changes in metabolism. Omega-3 oils can increase metabolic rate which means you burn more calories and store less fat.
To get a good supply of disease-fighting antioxidants you should eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic.
Try to avoid peeling them as the skin contains valuable nutrients. Grapes are especially beneficial.
People have often wondered why the French have such a low rate of heart disease and yet tend to eat more saturated fat than we do. Scientists found that wine and in particular red wine was protecting them. Sadly, the benefits have nothing to do with the alcohol but the grapes themselves.
Grapes contain an antioxidant called resveratrol which decreases the "stickiness" of blood platelets and keeps blood vessels from narrowing.
Resveratrol is mainly contained in the skin of grapes, so the message here is to forget the glass of red wine and just eat a bunch of grapes, skin included.
Both of these contain vitamin E. This important vitamin is good for the skin and keeps the blood from clotting inappropriately, which is especially important at the menopause, when one of the biggest risks is heart disease.
Not only rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits contain antioxidants called bioflavonoids which help to preserve collagen.
Collagen is important for the growth and repair of cells, gums, blood vessels, teeth and makes up about 90 per cent of your bones. It is vital that you eat good amounts as you approach the menopause to ward off osteoporosis.
During the menopause the walls of the vagina become thinner and dryer due to changes in oestrogen.
Eating decent quantities of bioflavonoids and vitamin C can help in preserving the collagen inside the vagina, as well as your sex life.
It can also help retain the elasticity of the urinary tract and so prevent leakage or stress incontinence, which is common among menopausal women.
• Extracted from Healthy Eating For The Menopause by Dr Marilyn Glenville (£14.99). To order, please call The Express Bookshop on 01872 562310, send a cheque/PO payable to Express Bookshop to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ or order online at Free UK delivery.

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