Nintendo NX update: New console NEEDS Call of Duty and FIFA to avoid Wii U disaster
The Nintendo NX needs the likes of Call of Duty and FIFA to be a success
THE Nintendo NX can be a big hit for the Japanese games giant but needs to have the likes of Call of Duty and FIFA to avoid the mistakes of the Wii U.
The Nintendo NX remains a mystery, with only tidbits of information known about how it will take on the likes of Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's dominant PS4.
There have been questions posed to third-party developers, such as EA and Capcom, asking if they are ready to throw their support behind the new console in 2016.
However, even though have been positive sound bites coming from the games industry, it is still hard to tell if the Nintendo NX's design could still play a role in putting off outside support.
Nintendo NX update: New console NEEDS Call of Duty and FIFA to avoid Wii U disaster
Little is known about the Nintendo NX and how it will stack up against the Xbox One and PS4
This will be one of the key factors in its success, according to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who is adamant that without the big titles like Call of Duty and FIFA, Nintendo are doomed to be bottom of the console race yet again.
Talking on Siftd‘s newest Pachter Factor episode, he discussed how Nintendo looks to have learnt from its harsh lesson with the Wii U and could still sell a large amount of units if they can offer the same outside gaming experience as its rivals, with the added boost of their own huge range of exclusive titles.
“But third-party support, so you should be as a gamer indifferent among any of the three consoles except for first-party content," Pachter commented.
"Because you should be able to play Madden, FIFA, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto on any console you wish, and then the deciding factor becomes whether you can play Nintendo content, Microsoft content, or Sony first-party content.
"Nintendo lost its way by not having GTA on this console, not having FIFA on the Wii U, and if the aren’t on NX then it is doomed before it launches. So, that’s the way to make it succeed...
"Where I think Nintendo lost its way, and the reason that I have been so harshly critical of Nintendo leadership in the past is they were too focused on first-party software and not focused enough on keeping third-parties engaged.
Nintendo NX update: New console NEEDS Call of Duty and FIFA to avoid Wii U disaster
Nintendo have learnt from their Wii U mistakes
"Third-party support is the only way that the NX is going to succeed, and not being the Wii U. So, the Wii U with the GamePad just sucked. It made your arms tired, it had a crappy battery life, it didn’t add a lot to the gameplay, and the best games don’t even use the GamePad."
Nintendo's wealth of unique IPs has always been one of its strong suits and the idea that PC gamers would look positively at a future console that offers the same titles as the other competitors but also included a host of games that couldn't be found anywhere else, still rings true.

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