Metal Gear Solid 5 update: Konami reveal there's more to come from the Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid 5 could see more in the future, according to Konami
KONAMI have told fans of Metal Gear Solid 5 that there's more to come from the Phantom Pain on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Commenting on the game's successful first month, the company revealed they have plans to boost the title's FOB missions and also hinted at what is come in the Phantom Pain's future.
The official Metal Gear Twitter account explained: "Today is the one month anniversary of the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
"It's been amazing so far, but there's more to see.
"We also announced costume DLC at Tokyo Game Show including call backs to Big Boss' debut in MGS3. More details on that later.
Metal Gear Solid 5 update: Konami reveal there's more to come from the Phantom Pain
The Phantom Pain DLC rumours have been reported on by Konami in the past
"Thank you for all your continued support and kind words--it's for the fans this game was made and through you it continues to thrive."
This could all be pointing to Metal Gear Online, what with Konami representatives ruling out Phantom Pain DLC in the past, although these comments ended on an update specifically referring to the multiplayer mode.
"Oh by the way...keep a close eye @MetalGearOnline today...more than a couple of things are on their agenda.
Reports have also surfaced this week, quoting an a alleged Konami employee as saying that the much referred to Chapter 3 place card found by fans can sell the game short and that they should continue playing, as the game is much deeper than many believe.
Konami have also confirmed that a new patch for Metal Gear Solid 5 will be launched on October 6, same day as the planned release of Metal Gear Online.
MGO will not support cross platform gameplay between consoles, with online play only available between users on the same type of system.
The multiplayer mode will support voice chat, unlike the current FOB missions on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS4 and PS3.
A new promotional event for the multiplayer FOB missions will also be made available through the patch and includes rewards for completing successful Infiltration and Support events.

Metal Gear Solid 5 update: Konami reveal there's more to come from the Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Online launches October 6


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