WITH thousands of people in the UK dying of cancer every day, the news of a breathalyser-style test for the disease could be life-changing.

Cancer to be detected through the smell of BREATH with revolutionary breathalyser
A new gadget has been developed to detect cancer through the smell of breath
A new style of cancer test is being developed in Japan and it could revolutionise detecting the disease. 
The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have developed a small sensor capable of detecting substances in a person’s breath. 
High accuracy is achieved by the  analysis - simply by breaking down the odour of the breath. The detection even includes cancer. 
In the UK there were around 162,000 deaths from cancer in 2012 - that equates to more than 440 people every day.
Cancer to be detected through the smell of BREATH with revolutionary breathalyser
CancerIn the UK there were around 162,000 deaths from cancer in 2012
Even more staggeringly, NIMS scientists believe it's highly likely the sensor will be able to distinguish what kind of cancer a person has. 
If the sensor’s accuracy is improved and data on odour are collected, this development could be life-changing for the world. 
It's believed the gadget will take around six years to develop for practical use. 
Until then, scientists will have to collect data on various odours associated with various cancers and improve the sensor’s precision for the gadget to work as planned. 
Cancer to be detected through the smell of BREATH with revolutionary breathalyser
Breathalysers are currently used to measure alcohol levels
It comes just days after the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) advised maintaining a healthy body weight was the second best way to minimise the risk of developing cancer.
It's believed  our in ten adults are not aware of the link between obesity and cancer, a poll has warned.
The WCRF believe 84,000 cases a year in the UK could be prevented if people kept themselves in a good physical condition.
The poll - conducted by the WCRF - revealed 54 per cent of Britons don’t know the link between a lack of exercise and a higher risk of cancer.

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