STUCK in a diet rut? Scientists have revealed one way to shed the pounds.

How a McDonald's Happy Meal could be the key to losing weight
Scientists say rewards make us choose smaller portions
People are motivated to limit portion size when a small incentive is offered with a meal, according to a study.
In similar concept to the McDonald's Happy Meal the brain responds to the reward of a small gift the same as it would to a big bowl of creamy pasta or cheesy pizza.
More specifically, scientists found the combination of a half-sized portion and a non-food gift stimulates the same area of the brain as the full-sized portion alone - the part of the brain responsible for reward, desire and motivation.
How a McDonald's Happy Meal could be the key to losing weight
People opt for half portion sizes if paired with a reward
The study also discovered that most people chose a half-sized portion of food if paired with a toy or monetary prize, rather than a full-sized portion at the same price - even if they were hungry.
People were also less likely to compensate and ruin a healthy diet by eating more calories later in the day to make up for the smaller portion.
A lottery ticket was enough to persuade some participants to chow down on smaller meal-sizes, prompting scientists to believe that the very thought of a reward was enough to stop people overeating.
The research team from the University of Arizona and the University of Southern California carried out a series of tests to see how the adult brain responds to a Happy Meal.
How a McDonald's Happy Meal could be the key to losing weight
People were also less likely to overcompensate later on in the day
They paired foods with various incentives, such as the chance to win $10, $50 or $100.
Moreover, the researchers discovered uncertain prizes were highly motivating in reducing someone’s portion size. 
“You could win” incentives, as opposed to listing odds and mentioning certainty, were more tantalising to diners. 
Researchers say this could be down to the emotional thrill of a prize and the appeal of gambling.
The study’s authors also urge people to celebrate achievements with non-food incentives. They believe such strategies could benefit a healthy diet and prevent overeating. 
They state these results could offer "a simple but powerful solution to unite these two seemingly contradictory goals of selling more versus eating less”.
How a McDonald's Happy Meal could be the key to losing weight
Moreover, people opted for a gamble opposed to a certified prize

Alongside the results, the team offer the below advice for avoiding overeating:
- Avoiding describing an item as "healthy," as it encourages people to eat more of it
- Using smaller, plainer plates, maybe even paper plates
- Avoiding negative messages such as "don't eat cookies," as this can cause people to eat more of the item they want to avoid
- Install mirrors in the kitchen: apparently, this discourages unhealthy eating.
About the study, the authors said: "Clearly, eating less is not fun for many people, and may even be a source of short-term unhappiness, as portion size restriction requires discipline and self-control. 
“Yet, by combining one shorter-term desire (to eat) with another shorter-term desire (to play) that in combination also address a longer-term desire (to be healthy), different sources of happiness become commensurable."

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