Revealed: Jose Mourinho's final interview as Chelsea boss in full
Jose Mourinho was sacked today but will still appear on the show

JOSE MOURINHO will be on Clare Balding's show tonight despite being sacked as the Chelsea manager.
The Portuguese was dismissed from his second spell at the Bridge after suffering a disastrous title defence.
But the pre-recorded show on BT Sport will still go ahead.
And here's what Mourinho had to say.
Jose on the clubs he has worked for
"I give everything I have, sometimes maybe too much, sometimes maybe too emotional but I do that with every club so for me I did that with everyone but the only one where I wear the shirt twice was Chelsea because I was in the club where I was, I left and I came back so I would say Chelsea but I have also to confess that Inter was really special and Porto was my beginning and I can’t forget that and a giant like Real Madrid is also an honour to manage."
On his appeal to players
"I think they need to like to work with me, I think they need to understand that I am the best manager they can work with, I think that is very, very important.  
"Like me, don’t like me, the person, the man, big friends, that’s a supplement but I think it’s fundamental that the manager is somebody the players can look at and know that he’s good. 
"I always establish the impossible target and I tell them this is the impossible target but the target is to win every match.  
"They know that is impossible and this season is proving that is really impossible!  But I think it’s the target, you have to go to every match, it doesn’t matter which competition it is and you want to win and you feel that you can win, I think that’s the important thing."

On coaching England
"I like to work every day, I like to play three times a week and the national team job is a job where you are on holidays most of the time.  Big pressure, big pressure but you don’t work specially on the pitch, you don’t work every day."
On Steven Gerrard’s appeal to Chelsea and what he thinks of Frank Lampard
"What happened is his blood spoke and he decide to stay at home and to stay all his career, until now just going to America, but at the highest level at Liverpool which I was a bit frustrated especially a couple of times, because the third one I was already convinced that he was not coming but I admire a lot that decision.
"It is a beautiful career to play since a kid till the end to the same club.  I always had on Steven and Lampard the two midfield players that I really like because they could do everything and I’m speaking now about him because it is about him. He could bite.
"He could do a job everywhere at a defensive level.  He was a fantastic passer of the ball, short and long and he was scoring goals like nobody else, or him and Frank.  So it was about him and Frank and when I was a couple of weeks really thinking about accepting the England job, I was thinking finally I have both together.  But then I didn’t go."
Jose Mourinho was speaking on the new series of The Clare Balding Show. To see the full interview watch BT Sport 1 from 8.00pm tonight or on BBC Two at 10.00pm tomorrow.


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