Top 10 facts about Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in 1879
ONE hundred years ago today, on November 25, 1915, Albert Einstein presented his equations of general relativity to the Prussian Academy Of Sciences.
1.He had published his theory of special relativity in 1905 but took another ten years working out the mathematics of general relativity.
2.Special relativity is based essentially on the constant speed of light; general relativity is based on the curvature of space-time.
3.Born in the kingdom of Wu?rttemburg in the German empire in 1879, Einstein became stateless, then Swiss, Austrian, German and American.
4.At the age of 16, he failed the entrance exam to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich.
5.His first wife Mileva Maric gave birth to their illegitimate daughter Lieserl in 1902, a year before they married. What became of Lieserl is unknown. 

Top 10 facts about Albert Einstein
Einstein was a keen violin player

6.Einstein in his 70s tried to cheer up a depressed pet parrot by telling it jokes.
7.He played the violin, enjoyed sailing, could not swim and rarely wore socks.
Top 10 facts about Albert Einstein
It's one hundred years Einstein presented his equations of general relativity
8.After Einstein died in 1955, his brain was stolen by a pathologist who kept it for more than 40 years. 
9.“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination,” (Albert Einstein).
10.Albert Einstein is an anagram of Ten elite brains.

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