PlayStation VR: Sony launch new wave of games as PS4 fans prepare for release date
PlayStation VR for PS4 put on an impressive show in Paris this week
PLAYSTATION VR saw a new wave of games announced by Sony this week as PS4 fans prepare for the 2016 release.
A huge swathe of Sony's Paris Games Week conference was dedicated to the new headset, which has yet to be given an official release date.
PlayStation VR is set to hit shelves in the first half of 2016 and will priced similar to how much a console would cost.
And it's clear that Sony are treating their new device very much like a new PlayStation, including a list of promising title to peek fan interest.
Developers Crytek announced a partnership with Sony to bring new IP “Robinson: The Journey” exclusively to the upcoming PlayStation 4 virtual reality platform, which invites players to become pioneers as they crash-land on a mysterious planet and set out to uncover the rich secrets it conceals.
Crytek’s Director of Production, David Bowman, said: “PlayStation VR is the ideal platform for Robinson: The Journey.
"Our work with Sony so far has made it clear that they want to deliver the most immersive and unique home VR experiences imaginable to gamers, and we’re working hard to make sure Robinson fits that description perfectly.”
It won't just be new IPs gracing the PS4's VR experience, Gran Turismo Sport will be compatible with the device, although not much more is known on how this partnership will work.
It will hopefully avoid the problems other emerging technologies have grappled with, the film industry's attempt to upgrade titles to a level of 3D that weren't dedicated to it seemed to put fans off.
Tekken 7 is another crossover title that could fit well into the new dimensions VR provides but again, not much information to go on.
PlayStation VR: Sony launch new wave of games as PS4 fans prepare for release date
PS4 fans can look forward to an exciting 2016 roster of games
RIGS Mechanized Combat League made its debut in Paris via a new trailer from developers Guerrilla Cambridge.
The upcoming PlayStation VR shooter features giant robots trying to score points on two opposing teams while using some heavy weaponry, the match that was shown looked impressive and will be one of the only multiplayer PlayStation VR titles around, unless more are announced ahead of launch.
Until Dawn is getting a dedicated VR sequel that has little in common with the PS4 sleeper success released earlier this year.
Simon Harris, executive producer at Supermassive Games explained: "Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a descent into madness, taking you on a terrifying rollercoaster ride of thrills and scares in a fast-paced arcade-style shooter.
"We’re incredibly excited to be developing for PlayStation VR as this allows us to bring games to the PlayStation 4 with a level of immersion and involvement never before experienced by players.
"As we established compelling gameplay for VR, we were able to combine that with a journey through many familiar aspects of Blackwood Pines, but from a horrifying new perspective!"
PS4 news was also in abundance for those fans not interested in PlayStation VR, including the a look at Uncharted 4's multiplayer and No Man's Sky's updated release window.

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