World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
HIV is a virus not commonly discussed because of the stigma around it
On World Aids Day, we take a look at what people really know about HIV and aids.
Charlie Sheen recently revealed that he is living with HIV, but do you know what living with the virus means? 
What is HIV? 
HIV - the NHS writes - is a virus which attacks the immune system and weakens your ability to fight infections and disease. 
While it's most commonly caught by having unprotected sex - sex without a condom - as it's found in semen, vaginal and anal fluids, blood, and even breast milk. HIV cannot be transferred through sweat or urine. 
It should be noted, HIV can also be passed on through oral sex or sharing sex toys - although the risk is much lower than with full sex

World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
The virus is transmitted through sexual contact or sharing needles

ual contact.
How many people have HIV in the UK? 
Just two years ago there was an estimated 107,800 people in the UK living with HIV. Worryingly, it's believed 26,100 people in the UK are carrying the virus without knowing. 
Worldwide, those figures are raised to 35 million people living with HIV.
Symptoms of HIV (lasting anywhere from a few days to several weeks): 
  • Fever (this is the most common symptom)
  • Swollen glands
  • Sore throat
  • Rash
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint aches and pains
  • Headache
Suffering with some or all of these symptoms doesn't mean you have HIV - some people who're infected don't show any symptoms for 10 years or more. 
If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, it's imperative you see a doctor and take an HIV test immediately. 

World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
If the test is positive, it's not a life sentence as the virus can be lived with now

Can you live a normal life with HIV? 
Dr Mark Lawton, an expert HIV clinician, spoke exclusively to about the virus. He said: "The latest statistics published show that life expectancy is essentially normal - providing you're tested and then diagnosed. 
"Most people have absolutely no symptoms at all. You can get a flu-like illness 2-6 weeks after catching HIV which can be accompanied with a fever, sweats, rash, sore throats… But of course all of those symptoms are very non-specific. People often therefore don't recognise it's anything more than a flu. 
"Then you have nothing for years until the immune system gets very weak and catching infections that are more unusual - that relate to a poor immune system."
How can you catch the HIV virus? 
Public Health England recently revealed 95 per cent of those diagnosed with HIV in the UK in 2013 acquired HIV as a result of sexual contact. That's anal or vaginal sex without a condom. 
The virus - which doesn't survive for long outside the body - can also be passed on through needle sharing with an infected person. 

World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
It's thought there was over 26,000 people with HIV living undiagnosed in the UK

The scary truth is: anyone who has unprotected sex or shares needles is at risk of HIV infection.
Dr Lawton clarified: "The absolute risk from any one session is quite small - if you were take take vaginal sex the risk pretty much both ways is about 0.1 per cent. So if you have sex 1000 times, statistically, you will catch HIV from that person. 
"The more sex you have with somebody, the more chance you have of catching HIV from them. The more sexual partners you have, the more chance you'll have sex with someone who's HIV positive.
"Yes, you can absolutely catch HIV from one single sexual encounter." 
How can you avoid HIV?
Dr Lawton said: "Condoms is a bit obvious. It's all about being tested and knowing your status. If you're HIV negative, great. Keep it that way. 
"If you're HIV positive don't worry, we've got treatment and we can deal with it. But you've got to know about it. Most HIV transmission occurs from people who've not been diagnosed." 
World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
A symptom of HIV is swollen glands, but this can be a symptom of many illnesses
World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, it's important you see a doctor
What is the treatment for HIV?
It's true there is no cure for HIV - but, that said, there are treatments that help to enable most sufferers to live a long and healthy life. 
Over the past two decades, treatments for the virus have developed dramatically and medication called antiretrovirals stop HIV reproducing in the body. 
These pills are usually taken every day in a combination - and sufferers are encouraged to be fit, healthy and not smoke to minimise their risk of developing serious diseases. 
When speaking about HIV people commonly confuse it with AIDs - a syndrome caused by the HIV virus. 
AIDs -  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - causes a severe loss of immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection. 
It can make it difficult for a suffer's body to fight even the weakest common cold. 
An American site - - claim people suffering with AIDs who don't seek treatment typically survive about three years.
Dr Valerie Delpech, head of PHE ‘s national HIV surveillance, spoke out about HIV in Britain: "We can’t overstate the importance of testing for HIV to ensure an early diagnosis.
"People diagnosed promptly with HIV infection can expect to live long and healthy lives. However, in 2013 people diagnosed with HIV late were 10 times more likely to die in the first year of diagnosis compared to those diagnosed promptly. 
"People who remain unaware of their infection are also at risk of transmitting HIV to others."
Professor Noel Gill, Head of PHE’s HIV & STI department, added: "Used correctly and consistently, condoms remain an inexpensive and effective way to prevent HIV. We are also now seeing important and exciting data on ways to use antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV. 
"PHE has accelerated its support of the evaluation of these measures as they may help to turn the tide on the HIV epidemic."

World Aids Day: What you need to know about the silent killer THOUSANDS of Brits carry
The HIV in light campaign focuses on identifying issues surrounding HIV

For World Aids Day today, HIV Awareness Activist – Philip Christopher Baldwin – has unveiled his new “HIV in Light” campaign on the famous Piccadilly Lights, Eros. 
HIV in Light – is a world first of its kind which focuses on identifying and becoming mindful to the issue surrounding HIV – will come with the hashtag; #HIVinLight to encourage the public to share and tweet their stories to Philip Christopher Baldwin who was diagnosed with HIV over 5 years ago. 

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