Star Wars Luke Skywalker spoilers: Mark Hamill just revealed a HUGE secret. Oops.
Luke Skywalker fan art
MARK HAMILL just accidentally revealed huge spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens AND the sequel, Star Wars Episode VIII. (WARNING: SPOILERS)

Luke Skywalker is the best kept secret in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Nobody knew if he was even in the film or what his role or fate might be.
Until now...

Actor Mark Hamill just accidentally blurted out some crucial information that has sent fans into a spin.
He also frantically tried to dig himself out of the hole as soon as he realised what he'd done.
Unfortunately his Jedi mind tricks are a bit rusty and the news is out there...

Star Wars Luke Skywalker spoilers: Mark Hamill just revealed a HUGE secret. Oops.
Poor Princess Leia really hated spoilers...


Star Wars Luke Skywalker spoilers: Mark Hamill just revealed a HUGE secret. Oops.
Seriously, Rey too? These guys take spoilers VERY seriously...

At the weekend the actor tweeted that he was growing out his beard.
"Last shaved on 10/22 after final day of my 2nd #TheFlash (which airs 12/8 #XmasTrix), just in time for Ep VIII-whew!"
Facial hair isn't normally worthy of a worldwide internet frenzy - except when a certain actor is contractually obliged to have a beard for a certain role.
Hamill had just shot a clean shaven guest spot on hit TV show The Flash but he will be sporting a beard for the new Star Wars films.
Even more shockingly, The Force Awakens is Episode VII and Hamill just referred to being in Episode VIII.

Star Wars Luke Skywalker spoilers: Mark Hamill just revealed a HUGE secret. Oops.
Hands up, who leaked Star Wars secrets?

There has been huge speculation that a major character will die in Episode VII.
The clips of Princess Leia and Rey sobbing in the trailers seem to indicate that it will be someone close to them.
Many fans were convinced it would be Luke and respeonded to his tweet with anger that he had revealed that he survives.
"So Luke survives Episode VII? SPOILERS!!" raged one fan.
But others were quick to point out that other Jedis had appeared posthumously in previous films.

Star Wars Luke Skywalker spoilers: Mark Hamill just revealed a HUGE secret. Oops.
Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford reunited

Both Obi Wan and Darth Vader appear as ghostly figures at the end of The Return of the Jedi, meaning Luke could feasibly continue to feature in the films, even if he dies.
"In fairness, he's literally the only OT character who could continue on as a ghost. So no spoilers, really," another fan tweeted.
Hamill, meanwhile, immediately fired back at fans accusing him of revealing classified information.
"Sorry to spoil your "spoilers", but the Press widely reported my return to Skellig w/ @rianjohnson for SW shoot.
"My lips remain sealed. #shh" he wrote yesterday.

In September Hamill was reported to have suffered a near-fatal fall while filming The Force Awakens on the remore Scottish island.
Some press have already revealed that he will be returning there to film the sequel.
The absence of Luke from all the trailers and clips so far has fuelled the swirling speculation about his involvment in the upcoming blockbuster.

So far all we've seem so far of Luke in any of the trailers is his mechanised arm stroking R2-D2
Whether or not he survives or continues as a ghost is just the tip of the rumours iceberg. 
The main question so far has been concerning what he has been up to, where he is hiding and whether he has turned to the Dark Side like his father Anakin - aka Darth Vader.
All the portentous lines in the trailers about family and about a brother, sister and father all possessing the Force have pointed strongly towards Luke's possible children.
The most likely contender is Rey, although other rumours have her as the child of Han Solo and Leia.

Even more mysterious is the role of evil knight Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who could also be Luke's son.
All will be revealed in a month when The Force Awakens hits cinemas.
How can we possibly hold on until then?
Star Wars The Force Awakens is out in UK cinemas on December 17

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