Eyes of the world turn to Wembley as France take on England in wake of Paris attacks
Wembley will pay its respects before Tuesday's friendly
FA CHIEF executive Martin Glenn admitted the eyes of the world will be on Wembley on Tuesday after the terrorist outrages in Paris.
Glenn insisted the FA had had no indication of raised security concerns from police or government ahead of tonight's clash between England and France at Wembley, which will be attended by Prince William.
Over 80,000 tickets have been sold, many over the weekend. There will be an increased police presence at Wembley, every bag will be searched, and Glenn urged fans to get to the stadium early.
"The eyes of the world will be on Wembley," he said. "The match will have massive global significance.
"Liason with the government and police is good, and we have excellent security people working for the FA.
"There were two conditions to the game going ahead - the UK authorities needed to conclude it was safe. They did. Second was whether the French wanted to play it. They wanted to go ahead."
Eyes of the world turn to Wembley as France take on England in wake of Paris attacks
Security will be heightened when England and France meet
The words to La Marseillaise will be shown on screens inside Wembley, the players will wear black armbands, there will be a minute's silence and floral tributes to the dead laid down by the two captains before the match.
Only 100 fans have asked for their money back for fear of a terrorist problem at the match, but Glenn said if others came forward, "we'd treat them on a case-by-case basis."

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