EXCLUSIVE: A cookbook that could PREVENT breast cancer
The Breast Cancer Cookbook has been written by the first man to perform a mastectomy in Britain
CANCER can be an all-consuming topic, but one man claims he's written a cook book that can help prevent breast cancer.
Professor Mohammed Keshtgar is Consultant Breast Cancer Specialist at The Royal Free Hospital and Professor of Cancer Surgery at the University College London. 
He's an expert in the development of breast cancer treatment and the main focus of his research is minimally invasive approaches in breast cancer management. 
Interestingly, in 2008, he became the first surgeon in the country to perform keyhole mastectomies, and he has also pioneered new techniques in biopsy, imaging and radiotherapy during breast surgery. 
His book is called The Breast Cancer Cookbook - and the tagline reads: "Over 100 recipes for cancer prevention and to boost health during and after treatment." 
Express.co.uk asked Mo how these recipes prevent cancer? He said: "There are numerous evidence that links diet and lifestyle to cancer.
EXCLUSIVE: A cookbook that could PREVENT breast cancer
Professor Mohammed believes following this diet could prevent breast cancer
"We have used the available evidence in the world literature and working with a panel of experts including scientist, nutritionist and recipe makers and have put these into over 100 inviting and easy to make recipes. 
"There are foods that can offer significant health benefits, which are worth including in your diet on a regular basis, and there are foods (and nutrients), which should be eaten is small proportions or completely avoided, to minimise your risk."
The Professor wrote The Breast Cancer Cookbook with a team of experts: Nutritionist Dr Claire Robertson and Dr Miriam Dwek, Reader and Group Leader of the Against Breast Cancer Unit at University of Westminster and home economist Emily Jonzen.
A large percentage of Brits believe there's a link between dairy and breast cancer. We put this to Dr Mo, who completely dispelled the myth. 
"There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that milk or dairy products increase the risk of developing breast cancer or affect the outcome after breast cancer diagnosis. 
"Dairy products are an important source of calcium , which is essential for bone health and moderate consumption of low-fat produce is advised."
EXCLUSIVE: A cookbook that could PREVENT breast cancer
The cookbook has been created by a crack team of scientists
At least 9-30 per cent of all cancers are diet related and recent data from World Cancer Research Fund recommends following a eating healthy diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy body weight. 
According to the WCRF, this will increase the chance of survival in women diagnosed with breast cancer. 
Mo added: "There is evidence to suggest that approximately 30 per cent of cancers and their sequelae are influenced by five behavioural risk factors including dietary intake, high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity and tobacco and alcohol intake."
He has collaborated in research focusing on the effects of diet and lifestyle on breast cancer, which is the largest dietary study of breast cancer patients within the UK led by Dr. Miriam Dwek. 
The study called DietCompLyf includes over 3000 patients from 56 NHS hospitals. 
The Breast Cancer Cookbook by Professor Mohammed Keshtgar is published by Quadrille (£20). 

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