Smokers are putting themselves at risk of going BLIND, shocking research reveals
Smoking raises blindness risk by 300% new research shows
SMOKERS are up to four times more likely to suffer sight loss than people who lead a healthy lifestyle, according to shock research.
Experts believe toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage the delicate surface and the internal structure of the eye.

Last night campaigners warned that unhealthy lifestyles are fuelling an alarming increase in sight loss that could be avoided.

A new study reveals lifestyle factors increase the risk of sight loss regardless of a person’s genetic make-up.

The research, led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, US, found that those who smoked at least one packet of cigarettes a day were more likely to suffer from Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

Poor exercise patterns and diet were also factors and eating more fruit, vegetables and fish can help preserve your sight.

A spokesman for the Association of Optometrists in the UK said: “However long you have smoked it’s never too late to benefit from quitting and reduce your risk.”

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